Thursday, October 4, 2012

Yahoo=Google in Japan?

It was surprising for me that Yahoo!JAPAN (Yahoo) was/is using Google's search system (algorithm) and Ads. Like the title, at first, I thought that the same result came out but it did not happen. As the article says Google has youtube and Yahoo has Gyao, so results become different. However, for me, the difference still seems to be part of "Points of Parity", youtube junkies may think that is strong "Point of Difference" though. So, what is "Point of Difference" for me? I use Yahoo more often because its multi-functional top page is more attractive for me than Google. So, is "Multi-function" "Point of Difference" for you?


atb.alif said...
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Unknown said...

Let me add some key success factors of Yahoo Japan:

1.) Japanese- Foreign Joint Venture Structure

Yahoo Japan joint venture with SoftBank.
As a consequence, it gains help from a local powerhouse.
It is very convenient for Yahoo users to access their email by using mobile. Because of this reason,there will be an increase in number of Yahoo users.
(Mobile are more likely to be Laptop for Japanese people.)

2.) Localisation

The site was built based on Japanese preference both in design and scope.
It will be more convenient and more comfortable for Japanese to use Yahoo Japan.

In addition, Yahoo Japan also gives exclusive services for instance, Yahoo Videocast (a video portal for cell phones and PCs), the Digg clone Minna no Topikkusu (Everybody’s Topics), and offers a number of mobile- and Japan-only applications

3.) Do business the Japanese way

The company has managed in order to build up Japanese identity. For example, buying the naming rights for the Fukuoka Dome (now Fukuoka Yahoo Japan Dome), a major baseball stadium in Southern Japan.