Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Social Media use for Effective E-Marketing - Mr. Jeremy Epstein

Mr. Jeremy Epstein had been talking for almost one hour continuously, not a big deal but the interesting thing was that time passed smoothly just because of his outstanding way of presenting. I did not feel sleepy even, which i usually feel when ever i get bored during the lectures. (I am sorry for being UK)

I would like to share some points collected from his wonderful lecture which might be helpful for any one who wants to refer for future use.

Marketing in a billion channel universe

  • Mobile Connected Devices (every where around you)
  • A movement must be public - In crowed
  • High Value of W.O.M - Primary Factor in E-Marketing (which we have been studying in our emarketing class many times)
  • Create but "Keep raving fans" =>> Value of 1 Raving Fan = ~ 445 Regular Fans
  • Relevant and Honest Participation
  • Unexpected >> Surprising for the positional customers (make sure not to make it a shock :p Molson was an exception, don't follow that practice as suggested by Mr. Philip Sugai)
  • Differentiate --- but make it easy to share
  • There were many more, but i am sleepy now................
If you don't trust my points please refer to the following link:

Thank you very much Mr. Jeremy Epstein (for a great lecture and for a green cap) - may be the oldest alumni - but very active and energetic with outstanding knowledge

Now i am suppose to present like can i .....:(

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Worth Price for Swivl Value

In last class, how I was really impressed to see many innovation of technologies .
For example, "Swivl" that can make camera follow our action.
However I am curious and a little bit doubt about this product.
As we knew, when cameramen capture an object, they will consider about the best angle, light and focus.
Can swivl do the same thing?
Surely, we can prove it if you buy this product.

Swivl will be launched with price $159
If the price equal with its value, I think, it will be worth price.
So, if you new gadgets lover, don't miss to reserve it from now, because Swivl will begin to ship in early 2012.
Please tell me when you've felt swivl benefit, so I will follow your trace to get one.
Good Luck!:)

source :

iPhone 4S vs. Android Phones: What's Better?

I would never call the row-of-icons interface on the iPhone 4S fresh, but its ease of use means a lot, especially to first-time smartphone owners. And iOS 5 catches up to Android with its Notifications area, which is cleanly designed and dynamic (thanks to the addition of weather and stock info)
However, some Android phones let you do more from the notification area. On the Samsung Galaxy S II, for example, you can toggle the wireless radios on and off. And on HTC Sense phones, you can switch between apps from this menu as well as tweak several settings. The other edge Android has in the interface department is widgets, which let you access all sorts of info at a glance. Indeed, Google's OS is so customizable that the user experience can vary drastically from one phone to the next.

Winner: iPhone 4S. While Android is more flexible, it can also be more confusing. Simplicity wins this round.

Just as with the iPhone 4, it's easy to switch between apps on the iPhone 4S. You just double-press the home button and swipe to either side. To shut down apps, you press and hold the screen and then tap the X next to an app's icon. Because most apps are suspended when they're not open, you don't really need to worry about them zapping battery life.
Today on Android, you must long-press the home button, but you might only see a subset of all of your running apps—and you can't close programs from this view. Android Ice Cream Sandwich will offer a better user experience, with a Recent Apps button that displays live thumbnails of your running apps. And you'll be able to dismiss apps with a swipe.

Winner: iPhone 4S. But it looks like Android 4.0 will put Google's phones ahead.

Screen Size and Quality
One of the chief complaints people have about the screen in the iPhone 4S is that it's the same size as the original iPhone's: 3.5 inches. But what many don't realize is that this LCD's resolution is higher than the vast majority of Android phones. The display is not only crisper but brighter than most of the Android competition.

On the other hand, bigger screens are just easier on the eyes, and they don't force you to zoom in as much to read text. And although they're not as bright, the Super AMOLED displays on phones such as the Galaxy S II and the Droid RAZR offer better contrast and more vibrant colors, making them great for watching movies. The upcoming Samsung Galaxy Nexus will up the ante on with the first HD display (1280 x 720 pixels).

Winner: Draw. The iPhone 4S has the superior display right now in terms of detail and brightness, but some shoppers just prefer a larger screen.

Amazingly, Apple's multi-touch keyboard remains second to none, despite the fact that in most cases you're typing on a smaller display. Both in portrait mode and landscape mode, I can type quickly and accurately. I'll certainly make more errors than when using a physical keyboard, but overall the iPhone 4S keyboard just works.
With Android phones, keyboards vary quite a bit from one phone maker to the next. Generally speaking, I've found HTC's keyboards to be the best, with Android's stock keyboard on the Samsung Galaxy S 4G being a close second. But Android has a few advantages. One is that you can download third-party keyboards, such as Skype, from the Android Market. Second, only Android phones come with physical keyboards, though they seem to be a dying breed.

Winner: Draw. The iPhone 4S keyboard is great for its size, but some prefer a bigger screen and more customization options.

Web and Data Speeds
The iPhone 4S may have a fancy new dual-antenna system and the ability to reach 14.4 Mbps (theoretically) on AT&T, but it gets blown away by 4G Android phones. For example, the AT&T iPhone 4S delivered speeds as high as 5.3 Mbps but averaged 2.2 Mbps. Both the T-Mobile Galaxy SII (12.6 Mbps) and the Motorola Droid Bionic (11.6 Mbps) are faster.
In terms of loading web pages, we’ve seen a huge real-world difference as well. The iPhone 4S takes about 10 seconds to load many mobile sites (regardless of the network) versus about half that for true 4G phones. Everything on an iPhone 4S that involves data will require more patience than on an 4G Android phone, whether it’s streaming YouTube videos or updating your Facebook news feed. The only caveat is that 4G radios (especially LTE) can drain your battery in a hurry.

Winner: Android. 4G speeds make a big difference in everyday use.

Social Networking
Apple is making a big deal about Twitter integration with iOS 5, and it’s certainly welcome. You can share photos, websites, and more with just a couple of taps. However, Android goes deeper by including Facebook, as well as pretty much any other service that uses Android’s APIs.
For example, you don’t have to use Twitter on Android; you can use Tweetdeck instead. Android also works with Evernote, Flickr, GroupMe, LinkedIn—you name it. We just wish the Sharing option wasn’t two clicks away from the browser page.

Winner: Android. The iPhone 4S makes it easy to share stuff on Twitter, but you need to use dedicated apps for everything else.

Apple has raised the bar for photo quality—both in terms of speed and low-light performance—with the iPhone 4S, thanks to new optics and an improved backside illuminated sensor. It also captures sharp and smooth 1080p video. Android phones such as the Galaxy S II are only a step behind in terms of speed, though, and they take equally good photos outdoors.
While the iPhone 4S has an HDR feature, there’s not much else you can do when taking photos. An advanced Android phone such as the Amaze 4G has a panorama mode, HDR, burst shot mode, and more. And although the iPhone 4S has some editing features, the best Android phones go further, letting you add all sorts of effects without using a separate app.

Winner: Draw. The iPhone 4S has the best camera we’ve used yet, but Android phones give you more control of your images—before and after the shot.

After trailing iOS for years, Android is finally catching up to Apple in terms of the sheer number of apps available in their respective stores. Apple has about 360,000 iPhone apps, compared to approximately 320,000 for Android (according to research firm Research2Guidance). You’ll also find that both app stores stock a lot of the same stuff, from Angry Birds and Words with Friends to Kindle and Pandora.
But if you dig deeper, you’ll find that the iPhone 4S has a better selection of high-quality games with more impressive graphics, such as Infinity Blade and Shadowgun. You’ll also find that apps either come to the iPhone first (such as Netflix) or exclusively (such as Instagram) and just look more polished (Facebook).

Winner: iPhone 4S. The iPhone has always been known for its apps, and at least for now it still has a quality and slight quantity edge.

Secret Weapons
Only the iPhone 4S has Siri, a fantastic voice-controlled assistant that can help you with everything from scheduling appointments to sending messages. Other advantages unique to the iPhone 4S include iTunes; Google only offers a subset of Apple's content. And then there’s iCloud, which does a better job than Google of keeping all of your content in sync across multiple devices. Last but not least is the iPhone’s vast number of available accessories. Having a single standard connector makes things a lot easier on makers of add-ons.

Android has plenty of unique strengths as well. In addition to offering 4G speeds, only Android has free GPS navigation built in. And only Android phones support NFC, which enables mobile payments and will gain even more power with Ice Cream Sandwich. With the beam feature you’ll be able to share all sorts of info with a tap.

Winner: iPhone 4S. Siri + more content + more accessories give Apple the win in this round.

Simplexity as law for Mobile business

Last class when we were learning about laws for mobile business and the professor mentioned Xbox 360 as one example of simplexity in products, it just reminded me of one funny commercial which I found on YouTube promoting Xbox360. They talked of several products and then the Xbox 360 in their conversation. Please enjoy the attached video.

what's "Siri" say

As professor introduce a new billion technology from Apple, Siri
It's very interesting and look like a first step of new world is opening

However, in my mind, I think if it really work?
What if user speak wrong English grammar?
What if user's pronounce English incorrectly?
What if user say something strangely?

Do Siri understand and make a correct interpretation?

I search on google and find a interesting website, "Shit at Siri says" here :

Kind of funny, I don't know if the web ownner just made it or it's the actual reply from "Siri"
If you have Siri on your hand, please try these message and share me.

Anyway, it's undeniable that Apple always have a "Perfect" product.
If other company said, they will do voice command software like Siri, I think it's 80% not perfect.
But, this is Apple.... We have to wait and see.

Collect your money to buy Siri now !!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The future of Voice Gadgets

There's a thread in FB now featuring guys that make fool of Siri. Hahaha! The guy asked Siri, "Can you marry me?" Reply: "Let's just be friends." Intelligent voice technology! Not only do we want it easy, we also get lonely, huh. Hence, entertainment has been a billion dollar industry. 
As our society becomes open, we also become closed. We want to connect but we are actually individualistic. There are things we want ourselves to  be and most of them are away from the prying eyes of others. For men who need to be more expressive for instance, they end up trying so alone. But some men who are hopelessly romantic may now find SIRI the best outlet.  =)
Just as "entertainment" is a billion dollar industry so will gadgets with voice technology. They just need the value of "ease" and "entertainment" and huuh! huge potential revenue.  *(^,^)* 
Future of voice activated gadgets? One day, they will be as conversant as humans. Apparently, speech technology has made great progress, and continues to be better 10-15% every year. Voice recognition is evolutionary and exciting! 
By the time these gadgets are rampant, IUJ will be a better place. Loners will have company.  =)

Yelp's working and WIN-WIN strategy with google

Yelp's working:
Here you can check how Yelp works and how it helps for your business. Don't forget to check the second video which gives a great message. Win-Win strategy and nice dealing in a situation of copy right issue while making strategy for handling well. Promoted its unique position in the market place against google.

Yelp and Google:

Value proposition and culture

TV commercial represents each country’s culture. Meiji-Yasuda life insurance company is typical example of Japanese unique CM. This company has continued this series of CM for 10 years.

Meiji-Yasuda holds annual photo contest which theme is  meaning or pleasure of our life. My company(News paper company) also supports this contest.  Meiji-Yasuda uses these photos with  participants’ consent and makes its new CM every year. This CM shows us story about short life of handicapped kid with his parents. He had already died because of Down's syndrome mongolism at that time. Basically, Story was very sad.

This CM was not directly related to Insurance sales but impressed many Japanese people and gave a good awareness of Meiji-Yasuda for people.

I’m not sure if the other country has a similar CM culture, but I guess this is uniqueness of Japanese CM which represent our culture or our unique emotion. If this is true, value proposition is different depend on the couture as well.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Seven Immutable Laws of Mobile Business

Actually there is no 7th Immutable least not yet (but if if you call within the next 5 minutes and order "The Six Immutable Laws of Mobile Business", we can give you the 7th Law for free :)

Kidding aside (but I hope the title got you to read this blog post), there seems to be clear writing on the wall that Simplexity will indeed be the wave of the future. Watching all those Youtube videos shown in class, despite the fact that the technology per se may not YET be that good as advertised, convinced me that complex, unimaginable, almost sci-fi stuff can now actually happen---and yet the user will find it simple to use. There will be growing pains but the technology will only improve, get better and eventually become bug-free. The progression of technology always seem to start physically big then it becomes small and integrated with personal things---like mobile phones. At least in the foreseeable future, i think technologies merge in a mobile device for as long as technology tries to be more personal.

On a sci-fi note, perhaps in the future mobile devices will no longer be the personal device of choice---because the person IS the device.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

e-world to my sons

Last class was really interesting for me.

We watched some videos about Siri or something during class.
Especially, Siri impressed me.
At that time, I got concerns as well as impressions.

I'm a father. I have 2 sons(7 years old & 2 years old).
They can't watch TV as well as play video games due to my policy.
※Don't worry, they can play outside and read books as many as they like.

I believe that this policy is good for their health, imagination, and so on.

But, is it sure?
They can survive such e-world?

I worry about it now.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Now Tokyo train look like the Net-cafe!

This is today's picture in train. I take a picture in Shibuya, so about over 60% of people use mobile phone in train. In addition, so many people use smartphone in train. They read the text (maybe e-book?), watch the movie, listen the music, and connect the social media services. I feel that train in Tokyo is net-cafe.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Mobile Usage Statistic

  • There are 5.3 billion mobile subscribers worldwide = 77% of the world population. Growth is led by China and India.

  • Mobile devices sales rose with smartphones showing strongest growth.

  • Half a billion people accessed mobile Internet worldwide. Usage is expected to double within five years as mobile overtakes the PC as the most popular way to get on the Web.

  • Many mobile Web users are mobile-only = they do not, or very rarely use a desktop, laptop or tablet to access the Web. Even in the US 25 percent of mobile Web users are mobile-only.

  • Mobile ad spend worldwide is predicted to be US$3.3 billion in 2011 sky rocketing to $20.6 billion in 2015, driven by search ads and local ads. In the US over half of U.S. mobile ad spending is local. Asia – Japan particularly – continues to dominate global mobile ad spend.

  • Over 300,000 mobile apps have been developed in three years. Apps have been downloaded 10.9 billion times. But demand for download mobile apps is expected to peak in 2013.

  • Paying by mobile (m-payments) will be worth US$240 billion in 2011 and could be over US$1 trillion by 2015. Purchasing digital goods is the largest segment ahead of physical goods, near-field communications (NFC), m-banking and money transfer. Biggest market today is Japan, but in the future could be China.

Classic Marketing Strategy - TOYOTA

TOYOTA launched a new TV commercial. It is very easy to understand what it thinks.

Ten years ago, most of male university students put a high priority to get driver's license during their university days, and eager to have their own car in Japan. But the tendency is decreasing in these ten years.
TOYOTA targets these young men to expand car industry market by directly describing "30 years old" to Nobita. And it is also the evidence that TOYOTA has become No.1 automobile company in the world.

C-mode failed

Cocacola Japan started the new service using new automatic vender machine system called C-mode with QR code and Felica function involved in Japanese cell phone (not smartphone) in 2002. They made so strong B2B connection with NTT docomo and ITOCHU who are one of the biggest trading company in Japan. C-mode was that cell phone user used own cell phone to buy drinks on automatic vender machine using e-money which called C-mode point.
But they failed to expand this service because Suica, which is e-money of JR to pay train fee in all JR network, is so strong for e-money users, especially in Tokyo.
This fact showsed that Cocacola Japan couldn't understand customer's stand point, and WAON made by aeon group and NANACO made by Seven & I holdings have same problems. Actually Japanese e-money users hate to use so many type of e-money. We should learn from C-mode case.

Private Info's are Protected

It remains... (a) that even to this age one's personal information is private (b) by legal standard this privacy means ownership where every information personal inherent to the owner belongs only to her  (c) by ownership only the owner has all the rights to do whatever with those information even to destroy them, as long as this destruction shall not impair another person or his property  (d) ownership may be transferred or shared  (e) but this by the main intent of the law has to be EXPLICIT (f) a tacit (or worse, "tricky") transfer or sharing (here of private information) therefore, may be revokable or even illegal with consequences under the law.

But we'll get there

O my... Digital River is both a small and big river. It is drowning me.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Facebook Personalization and Privacy Issue

Last year, there was other issue about personalization and privacy in Facebook. Four Democratic US Senators — Charles Schumer, Michael Bennet, Mark Begich and Al Franken — was calling on Facebook to change its policies. They stated, the fact that Facebook decided to enroll all of its users into this new futuristic web without asking them to opt-in is ridiculous.

Please check this link to get more information :

Rakuten vs Amazon

I like Rakuten & Amazon.
After coming IUJ, I used thier services more than 10 times.
I also like thier personalize function.

But, if someone asks me which do you like Rakuten or Amazon.
I can't answer it. And it's immaterial.

Because there are no human connection between buyers and customers.
So, it is just good for me that the shops only have my needs with cheap price.
Sometimes, Rakuten responds my needs, other time, Amazon responds.

The shops are very convenient for us.
But, sometimes I worry about lack of connection as human.

Rob Me

Social media has practically invaded the world and is probably here to stay. While we have concerns about how they handle our private information, a lot of the privacy issues also rest with users of these social media. there's also this thing called over-sharing wherein people practically post their entire life on-line. 

one such site concerned with over-sharing is "Please RobMe". Some people share too much information about themselves, announcing to the world where they are at the time of the post, practically begging burglars prowling the net to go to their house and rob them. 

in essence, what im saying is, privacy (and security) also rests with us users. be careful with what you share.

Are YOU in control?

Can you control your own personal information? It is quit scary when you don't know who else know your information. One day, a strange might walk up to you and talk to you like you know each other for many years.

As a marketer, you should concern about this issue of privacy. Some customer might not be comfortable when you personalize the service for them. They might feel scare of how did you know their information. However, you also can't totally ignore personalization. This way, you have to weight the balance between personalization and privacy.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Be careful when putting your information on internet

As our last eMarketing class we talked about personalization and privacy, so I want to share this story.

People usually upload pictures and personal information such as education, company etc and update current status, feeling on facebook. Someone put very detailed. You may think that it's ok because you can set it to visible to your friends. But be careful, if one of your friend thought you are his/her enemy. Internet is very good tools for revenge.

This is my experience, my brother's ex-girlfriend named Joy don't like another girl named Ann (both are assumed name), then she tried to discredit her by create a lot of fake facebook account :

- One account pretend to be a man, trying to flirt Ann but the real objective is, she want to keep watching what'a Ann doing in each day. Capturing every pictures that she looks very sexy. Copy every Ann's information on facebook and internet.

Another account, she try to be fake Ann. She invited a lot of unknown guys and put all Ann's personal information there, such as Ann's real name with family name, address, company, mobile phone, e-mail, etc. And publish to everyone with the bad rude word. She want everyone think Ann is prostitute, bitchy girl.

Another two facebook accounts for pretending to be fake Ann's friend. Posting a words to support each other. Try to talk like Ann is really bad women.

On Ann's fake facebook account. A lot of people blame Ann like she is rude, bitchy women but actually all information is posted by Joy, not Ann herself. Joy searched every information about Ann on internet and put everything. I'm not sure if she also do forward e-mail to discredit her or not, but it's possible and very easy to do that.

Everything have both black and white site. From this event, I think Internet is very powerful tool for learning but it's also a great tool for revenge.

personalisation against privacy

I strongly feel personalising customer information is a right approach to getting loyal customers. With this you might indeed have a feel of your customer's shopping patterns depending on what approach you are using. However in some cases, with just Collaborative filtering alone you might assume the customer's preference thereby collecting invalid data.

I also feel that regardless of how exciting this personalization is, it is very important to maintain the privacy of your customers to ensure that they remain loyal towards your products, as violating with such sensitive information my lead to legal allegations and loss of your loyal customers which will definitely lead to business making big losses. I wouldn't want that for my business!!!!

Hope is not a strategy - “Capability Model for the Connected World”

Acxiom's “Capability Model for the Connected World.” There are four key tenets in this model:
• Reach and engage your audience – a new world where “narrowcasting” replaces broadcasting, a world where companies reach the audience they desire – and no one else – with certainty
• Multidimensional Insight – filter out the false signals that cost money and harm brands
• Central nervous system – the ability to send/receive stimulus and recalibrate based on feedback
• Personalized and coordinated engagement – the moment of truth when customers are engaged with a brand or out living their life

Successfully Position Your Market by Using 4Ps Model

The marketing mix helps you define the marketing elements for successfully positioning your market offer.

One of the best known models is the Four Ps, which helps you define your marketing options in terms of product, place, price and promotion. Use the model when you are planning a new venture, or evaluating an existing offer, to optimize the impact with your target market.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Google's privacy infringement

Last class is very interesting for me. Information technology enables us to collect personal information and use it for marketing and sales promotion. However, I wonder we can decide to what degree we can use it or if we can draw the boundary between ethical abuse and appropriate use. This is very hard question.

Actually, I don't like Google because I wonder the Google invades our privacy. Google choose advertisements for Gmail users based on the words of user’s email. Google insists this is not infringement of privacy because nobody doesn’t look it, machine does. But I cannot agree with Google's insistence. That's why I have a Gmail account for just convenient but I scarcely use this account.

Many people including me fear that their right to privacy will be threatend by the unauthorized use or disclosure of infromation in cloud databese. Marketer also has to consider it and should make a rule for it by themselves before goverment tries to regulate it. If goverment makes a law about it, the other problems like an abuse of this information by investigating authority or press freedom violations will happen. (English) (Japanese)

Compensation for Leaking Personal Information

Around 2005, average price of leaking personal information was 500 yen per one individual information. Companies which leaked information, like Yahoo, Lawson, Family Mart and so on, paid 500 yen to each customer by in-sotore credit.
Problem related to personal information incurs destraction of brand, and it is enough damage for companies. In addition, costomers' trust could not be recovered by 500 yen.
Nowadays, no company pays 500 yen. Recalling those days, It was funny, meaningless custom when Japan had first met problems of personal information.
This year Sony leaked more than 100 million of personal information and has not announced about compensation. I'd like to take notice its behavior for that.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Kama Sutra and the way of marketing

The newest marketing bestseller draws its inspiration from nothing less than... Kama Sutra.

Interestingly, this book is about connecting with your customers more intimately, as social media has made marketing efforts cold and distant. It also boasts to be the very first marketing book written in novel format.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Now some sources say that Linked in start the services in Japan, but they still have some problems especially privacy policy in Japan. In class I already mentioned the fact which Linked in inviting mail system sets to send the inviting mail to ALL E-MAIL ADRESS which I sent the e-mail in past though g-mail account in initialization. In addition, this article shows that there are some fake Linked in invitations lead to malware.

Linked in have to think about that type of damage when Japanese people face the accidents. The most Japanese people tend to take care own long time relationships and protect them compared than US people.

I understand the advantage and service details of Linked in, but I really hate this type of US style social network expanding strategy.

Now people can't imagine the negative influence come from identity theft. It is impossible to judge the service about it in advance. In this case bland value influences people behavior strongly.

Marketer have to masure the bland value of such service when they start that kind of expanding strategy. Personally If Linked in start them, I don't join. But Google start them, I join.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Google and online privacy

Everyone should try googling their own name. Probably you get some results that you don't like: your name on some random Facebook page which is publicized online, or something else you wouldn't want others to see, or at least is redundant. I was not exactly delighted when a Google search on my name found some useless newsgroup post I had made some 10 years ago.

On the other hand, I don't like the ambiguity and the often-changing nature of Facebook privacy settings and actually prefer Google+. Although there are much fewer people, the circle function,which allows you to specify exactly who do you want each post to be visible, is great compared to other SNS sites.

Everyone Can Be An Affiliate Marketer

Our last topic in the class about affiliate marketing remind me about my last experience when my friend recommended me a novel. He suddenly said, " must read this novel, because the story tell about you, it's about someone who pursuing his dream". By only his words and a brief explanation , It has influenced me to buy and read that novel. After that, in my opinion, actually, the novel was very interest , but I think, it was not appropriately tell about me.

Now, I'm thinking , How if at that time he said the same thing to 20 people. Will they be also influenced to buy the novel as me? I think, It will be absolutely yes.....if the people have the same case as me or they are a bunch the dreamers. can be said, my friend is a affiliate marketer of a retail or an online book store. Although he didn't gave me a link where I can get the novel, but his power is he has burned my coriousity by his campaign words, so without his guidance, I commit an effort to get the novel. In different word, as an affiliate marketer, my friend has been success to reach the targets, one of them is me.

p.s. The novel that I mean is "The Alchemis by Paulo Coelho", you can check this novel in this link : ( It's not my trial to be an affiliate marketer, but If you interest and then buy this novel, it can be meant, I reach my goal :) )

Publicising Privacy

On privacy, the worries spread not from mere Facebook or Google alone but what they have enabled others to do. The threat is that the so-called facial recognition software being on the loose, for instance, has been used by "cyber-spies" to even abstract supposedly secured identification such as social security numbers. The tagging of photos in Facebook apparently had been a tool to successfully do this ill.

This must pose a threat for some more expansive imagination in the intrusion and unacceptable happenings in retail settings, advertising, secured spots, etc.

Available technologies to cripple them should catch up. Hurry!

Personalization VS. Privacy.

As you all know, "personalization" is the process of tailoring webpages to individual users' characteristics or preferences. Thus, "cookies" is one of the common tools used to implement the personalization or customization of the websites. If not do not know, cookie is a small piece of information written to the hard drive of an Internet user when they visits a website. Cookie files are extremely small and can contain a variety of information, for example, the name of the website that issued them. where on the site the users visited, passwords, and even user names and credit card numbers that have been supplied. This is how marketers could customize their webpages. However, there are concerns about the "privacy" of the users because the cookie is stored in the users's computer 'without' their consent or knowledge.

Does this constitute an invasion of privacy? Some might think it does but some might feel that the gathering of those information is harmless. Either way, do the business marketers have to the right to gather information from users 'without' their consent? What do you think?

B2B business model for Hewlett Packard

I think everybody know this brand, HP (Hewlett Packard), the IT company that produce variety of IT products, printer, notebook, servers, storage, switch, etc. Basically this company is seems to be B2C business, but actually, HP also have B2B business for cooperate customer in every product line and this business model is very successful.

For B2B model, HP have different service level for cooperate customer in different country. Regarding to HP Thailand, they have two main services which are "reactive" : service customer once the problem occur and "proactive" : service for reducing the possibility of the problem occuring.

if cooperate customer buy proactive service, HP will assign technical service engineer to assist that customer, he/she will take role as account support consultant for IT issue, planing and suggesting everything that can improve customer's system performance. Absolutely, this kind of service is very expensive but a lot of non-IT cooperate customer willing to pay for this. Beside of the revenue, if the service engineer do very good job in consultant, HP can increase trust and royalty from cooperate customer which leads to a lot of return in the future. In the other hand, if service engineer's performance not that good, HP might struggle with losing a huge money. It's a trade-off for having this kind of B2B business.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Internet Privacy

Since next week's session is going to be about the internet and privacy, I thought I'd get the ball rolling with a few cases that I'd caught on to.

Note: all links within this post lead to external articles that go into more detail about the situations.

Facebook has changed the internet landscape enormously, in terms of what is considered acceptable and what not. In the earlier days of the internet, there was a lot of talk of never giving out your real name or address, and to be wary of strangers. (Well, that's what it seemed like when I was growing up!) Nowadays, people put up private photos on facebook, sometimes not aware of how extremely public these are. Many actors have found not just themselves, but their family and friends "facebook stalked."

Then there's the fact that most websites now allow you to comment using your facebook profile. While that certainly makes it easier -- no need to create a new username and password just to leave one comment -- it also means your real name gets spread further and further out on the internet. If you're all right with that, then it's no issue.

But of course, not everybody supports this trend. Google and Blizzard Entertainment both became mired in scandal when their own attempts at social networks violated privacy for users.

In the summer of last year, Blizzard Entertainment (creators of "World of Warcraft") announced that they would require real names to be used in their forums. The idea was that, with a real name attached, people would be more polite on the forums. They wanted to cut down on the fighting and namecalling often seen in gaming forums.

However, unlike facebook, where people post pictures and interact with acquaintances they know in real life, the Blizzard forums are mostly for interacting with strangers over the internet, and for a hobby that many people don't share with their real life acquaintances. As you can imagine, fans were not happy with the announced changes. Cons they cited included the ease of stalking, new harrassment based on somebody's perceived gender/ethnicity, and employers/co-workers stumbling across the site. In the end, Blizzard recanted, saying that they would forego the need for real names.

Google faced a similar situation with its Google Buzz. Buzz was offered at the beginning of 2010, all you had to do was hit "enable google buzz" as you were logging in to your gmail account. Easy, simple!

Well. There were no configuration options at start up, which meant that everything was immediately made visible to all of your contacts. Yes, every single last one of them. If you regularly e-mailed with your boss, your professor, your lawyer -- well, they would see what you'd posted, where you were located, and who you were friends with. Heck, it would even broadcast it to your abusive ex-spouse. Not exactly a good situation, and it could very seriously harm somebody. Google quickly apologized and set up new privacy features.

Now, there are some people who think there's no harm to broadcasting their real names across the internet. That's up to them. But personally, I feel that everybody should have a say in it. Facebook is probably here to stay for a while, but there's no need for every single website to adopt that model.

What do you guys think? Are you glad you can easily comment using facebook, or would you rather go back to the days of signing up for each site individually? How much are you willing to share with the online world?

How to use Facebook by B2B company

Our group answered “the social network could be useful for expanding B2B business for Air France” for Q4 of previous assignment. However I don’t have any confidence of this answer. This question continues to be on my mind, so I tried to search some examples of B2B Company’s Facebook page.

Cisco” is the big company which designs and sells networking, and communications technology and services for mainly B2B customer. Cisco updates its news of new products ,event information etc on facebook. Cisco has already gotten about 230,000 fans on the Facebook. I don’t know how many people (company) have become customers out of 230,000 fans, however, I was very surprised at this number despite the fact that Cisco doesn’t have any channel to directly connect to cunsumers. In my opinion, Cisco uses this homepage to have a good relationship with customer and to give awareness for people(brand building)


I have another example, Ernst & Young Careers which provides Financial Accounting Advisory Services. This company focuses on the recruiting of human resources by using Facebook Homepage. The candidates post questions or requests for company or exchange their infomation on Facebook. This is unique example of B2B company’s usage of Facebook. This usage is targeted to very specific area, acquisition of human resources.
The way of using social media depend on the company. However we can use it for B2B business through this net surfing. I think social network media has a lot of potencial for B2B business.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

B2B portal for Japanese Product and Services

A plat form to make B2B.
You can even be a service provider for the ones who are looking for business customers.
A Business-to-Business search engine provides information and assistance to foreign businesses interested in doing business with Japanese companies.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The quality of "awareness"

When I was a sales rep, I believed that finding one customer in one potential buyer is better than finding one customer in 100 potential buyers, because it is efficient. Spreading the entrance of funnel also leads waste of time if all the customers would not be buyers. So marketers should pay attention not only the quantity of “awareness” but also quality, I think.

In my company’s case, house builder, we make a contract with our customers about introducing potential customers who are friends or relatives of the customers. Usually, in Japan, customers who build new houses hold parties at their new houses to show them to friends. The friends of customers are possibly in similar age with the customers, so they are in very good timing to build a house. In that party, if the customer says,”May I introduce a good house builder?” the power of the words is significant. Then the friend becomes a very high potential customer. When we are introduced a potential customer in this way, we are willing to pay some fee to the original customer (maybe the price of fee is beyond your imagination).

With this contract, we invite high potential buyer to the entrance of funnel. Therefore, I regarded the quality of “awareness” as more important.
But it may be one of a uniqueness of our industry because sales rep is regarded as excellent only if he/she gains one contract per month.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Affiliate Marketing

the idea behind affiliate marketing is quite brilliant---lure collaborating websites with the promise of a commission and you get to "talk/make a sales pitch" with their audience.

affiliate marketing opens a lot of opportunities for everyone---the good , the bad, and the ugly. By bad and ugly, I mean Internet scammers. With the long history of the Internet being used for fraudulent activities, i'm not surprised if some scammer has made some pseudo website which aims to get credit card information. while we have been immersed with the Internet for quite some time now, there are always victims in some part of the world.

Monday, November 7, 2011

ANA and JAL are great friends?

Unbelievable, this picture.

Do you know ANA and JAL?

They are the two greatest airline companies in Japan. Of course, the relationship is rival. But, the companies placed their ad on the same train.

The reason was that the only one train had space for ad. Other trains already had other companies ad.

Japan is peaceful even in the survival race.

Clearly, I love ANA!


This is the example of B2B acquisition parter in UNIQLO business. UNIQLO thought about entering high fashion area like collection bland in Europe. UNIQLO made the new relationship with JIL SANDER who is one of the biggest fashion designer in the world and have strong high fashion image in apparel industry. UNIQLO and JIL SANDER started new UNIQLO line which called UNIQLO+J, and provide the fashionable clothes in cheap price using JIL SANDER'S fashion sense and UNIQLO's powerful supply chain. It seemed that UNIQLO wanted to change the image from cheap cloth bland to high fashion bland image, but UNIQLO will finish this collaboration in this fall term. What's the reason to finish this? There are not enough profit from this? I don't think so. In apparel marketing stand point UNIQLO gets much broader position from this. This marketing campaign proved that UNIQLO can make high fashion products in cheap price, and they can take the position in high fashion area. Basically High fashion area can't make much profit compared than mass casual cloth area, but high fashion images are so important in order to not only selling process of high sense clothes but also selling process of casual clothes. I think UNIQLO already get the new position and new customers by this campaign.

This is example of

Q4 of Air france

We finalized analysis of Air France only based on case document and date. Q4 of this assignment was most difficult for me. According to Air France HP, it has point(incentive) system for B2B customer and practices B2B marketing by using social networking media. Marketer need some techniques to give us awareness through the pay-per-click campaign or sponsored search of search engines. However I noticed making repeater (advocate?) is more difficult than just giving awareness through this Homework because In E-Commerce, customers always can compare service or price and switch the company easily.

How to do SEO on your blog?

Interesting discussion on inbound marketing and SEO:

For those of you keeping blogs besides this one, there are some applicable tips for making your blog more visible online - even if it is just a personal blog.

Personally interesting points:
  • How to use tags in the optimal way, so that search engines will not regard it as black hat SEO (in other words, search engine spamming).
  • Posts should be kept short, and split into series in case of longer posts to maximize the number of people actually reading them.
  • Use of Google Analytics seems to be very helpful for SEO.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Do you know "ToCoo"?

When I heard ToCoo's service, I was impressed.

ToCoo suggests us accomodations at quite low price through the Internet website.

Why low price?

If guests cancel to stay a few days ago, it is difficult for the accomodations to find new guests.
ToCoo collects such as cancel room information from accomodations.
And it provides information to travelers who want to go traveling quickly.

For example;
We're E_Biz students. Today is Thursday. We knew that eMarketing class for next Monday was canceled just now. OK, let's go hotel & hot spring from next Sunday to Monday.
In this case, we can find good hotels at low price by using ToCoo.

Learning E-commerce from Air France

Done, the travel industry was one of the earliest to subscribe to e-commerce. Seen, e-commerce became a very fast growing sales medium. Proved, airlines were better protected from various logistical problems faced by other industries as they evolved in online sales.

Yet, when all things began to mechanize, the experts get lost in the midst of stats,  need to sit down again to search for where else to improve on. "Convert these clicks to SALES,"clients like Air France mutter. As the list gets to the bottom, what becomes top important after all remains human i.e. personal preferences, behavior, etc.  Then machine intelligence struggles to assign them metrics for business results.

It amuses me how this cycle gives breath to e-commerce. And the competition is fierce.

Definition and Direction to Use Travel Aggregator Site

In the effort to get more comprehension about travel aggregator, I've tried to learn from this site ( I think, it's a good site to give a guidance for a beginner) :

Social Media for Customer Acquisition

Most people who can connect to Internet world know what is Facebook. No wonder, with the
power of Facebook, many business start using the social media for customers acquisition.
However, the question is that "is Facebook a failure at customer acquisition?"

will inbound marketing on its own really work?

this is the question that was in my head after reading the case. i mean, even the hubspot people were toying with the idea of doing some outbound marketing themselves to boost their business. the fact that they themselves even had the audacity to think of it and let it be written in a case is a signal that perhaps inbound marketing alone might not be enough. these are hard core people who shouldnt even be tinkering with such thoughts. while they had success stories, they acknowledge the fact that their customers mix in and out in their marketing mix. there's an angle you can work the inbound thing but i think outbound is far from finished. at the end of the day, i think the choice is still fundamentally connected to the type of business and this dictates whether you go inbound, outbound, or both.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Using social media for B2B acquisition - the big role of LinkedIn

I found this research about using different kinds of social media for B2B marketing. LinkedIn seems to have a prominent role in the case of B2B.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Understand the Search Engine

To understand and analyze the suitable publisher for any organization, we have to rate the search engines according SEO and SEM. To what extent a search engine can put your information available for the user at right time and right direction.

Moreover, to analyze the data it will very much helpful to calculate the rank of any search engine according to its ROA and ROI.

Here is a link for technical functionality of the search engine:

If any one conflicts with this thought please share. !!

Why outbound marketing?

My company, Daiwa House, is a real outbound marketing oriented company. If a sales rep worked at his/her office in the afternoon, managers always say,” Why are you here? Your battle field is outside the office, isn’t it” , even when he/she has an important office work.

Managers justify it by saying that our competitive advantage is human resources. Houses are the most expensive shopping for most people in their life, thus we cannot sell a house without being trusted by a customer.

It seems reasonable, but I think, it means we have no product advantage, doesn’t it? Can we compete with our real value we provide? Or are we like Is it the reason why we show such a funny CM on TV without referring our products?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

inbound VS outbound marketing

When people talk about outbound marketing, why they usually use a "cold call" example?

This question stuck in my mind since what I learnt in the class, the clip that professor show us, and the example from some website that I googled. I think it's not fair, I'm pretty sure that 99% of people don't like cold call. So when people compare inbound vs outbound and use this example, it lead us with the image that outbound=> cold call => annoying => not good!!!

Outbound marketing is important in term of making customer awareness on product. Creative outbound marketing could lead a big awareness. It's not annoying but viral. However, it's true that outbound marketing need a lot of money compare with inbound. What we have to do is finding the good balance between that two style of marketing.

Here is another viral CM which I believe, everyone in Thailand know this product!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Digital River & Social Loop