Friday, December 10, 2010

IBM RFID Commercial - The Future Market

The RFID technology revolution, please click......

The Power and Shortcomings of Facebook Marketing

As my team were playing with the idea of a facebook ad campaign for Obata Shuzo, we were all surpised to find out the tremendous capability facebook offers in terms of reaching the target segment. On the other hand, we also noticed some serious deficiencies with the marketing on facebook approach.

Advertising on facebook is powerful because it allows the advertiser to target exactly the people you want. In the graph below, it shows the advertising page where you can choose the targeting based on location, demographics and even interest (Yes, the ones you fill in the Interest section)

In the next section, you can choose from even more specific demographics information such as relationship status, language, education and workplace.

And finally, in the pricing section, the advertiser can choose the campaign length and budget, and either pay per inpression or pay per click option for the ad they want to run.

Hearing "privacy is dead" and seeing how it actually is in practice gives people quite different feelings.

However, this seemingly "dream come true" facebook tool for marketers is not with our shortcomings.

In order to test its effectiveness, we created a campaign targeted to a narrowly defined demographics. And then we made a fake profile of a person that fits exactly that profile. But when we log into that account and check the advertising section, we could not find our own campaign, because the ad section is bombarded with irrelevant ads that are apparently of no interest for our fictional character, making the really relevant ads (such as ours), unable to be seen.

So I guess the model only works when all advertisers understand their target segment well, and all set clearly defined targeting parameters when running their campaigns, which is a quite unlikely scenario.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Event marketing

I found an interesting article about event-marketing through google vs. facebook.

How to Leverage Facebook and Your Event Marketing

Event_Marketing_FacebookIf you’re using Facebook to market your event there are a few important things to understand. First off - like any marketing or advertising medium, Facebook has both positives and negatives. Disclaimer: I’m NOT on the crazy train that thinks Facebook can instantly fix every event marketing challenge. But, I do firmly believe Facebook is here to stay. Thus, event organizers should understand how to use it to their advantage.

Facebook versus Google
These days there seems to be a ton of press attention on the Google versus Facebook War for World Internet Domination. What you need to understand is how the two services differ from one another . . . 

The Google Search
Google is like a consumer research tool. People using Google tend to be looking for specific information and their efforts focused on a set of keywords.  It’s pretty simple, you enter a search phrase, "outdoor events Rochester" and Google generates results. After the results are presented, you click on the most interesting relevant link. Obviously if you're an event organizer, you want you listings to be ranked high and appealing to click on. How people find information on Facebook is different methodology.

The Facebook Game
Facebook is much more of a leisure environment . . . people check wall and status updates, look at pictures from friends, message, etc. Let's be honest, most people don't sign on to Facebook to be productive. Facebook foundationis built upon massive amounts of user content (pictures, videos, posts). That's what makes it so attractive. Who wouldn't want to see what their friends are up to?

But there is a downside to Facebook’s super media rich environment. Humans can only process so much information at one time. Even with a dedicated event page on Facebook, you're still competiting against all the other social noise. On Facebook, it is very easy to be avalanched with too much information.  That distraction ultimately dilutes your event marketing efforts.

My strong suggestion is to leverage your Facebook presence to push people to your event web site. Why get people to click off Facebook? Because when people get to your event web site, you’re in control of their attention.

Social Media Conversations
Facebook offers a great way to carry on a conversation with your target market. It’s embodies the essence of social media. Use commeting to promote interactive event marketing . . . You post on your event and then people can comment. Facebook’s post and comment feature is also great way to conduct market research. If you’re thinking of trying something new or different with your event, you can post it and let people give feedback. Use the conversation feature to your advantage.

Leverage Facebook and Your Event Web Site
Here’s a suggestion to bridge your Facebook presence with your event web site. When you post about your event on your wall, make sure to include a link back to your event web site.  You can write something like, “We just announced the performer line for this year’s show, Check it out – LINK TO PAGE.” Do you need to include a link with every post? No. Your overall focus should be on posting quality content.

Remember, you need to grab people’s attention and give them a good reason to click!What’s even better is if you create a post with a link and get people to “Like” it and leave positive comments. That gives people even more reason to click through. At that point you're in much better control of the user's attention.

The Ability to Track
Another advantage of using Facebook wall post links to your site is the ability to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. A quick look at your web stats will tell you how much traffic you’re getting from Facebook. If you have goals setup you can also track back how many signups or ticket purchases Facebook is creating.

There are several other ways to promote you event on Facebook, but the principles are nearly universal. Your marketing efforts on Facebook (or any social media) should be based on building a relationship with your target market . . . Find out what they want and give it to them. Regardless of technology, the principles and fundamentals never change.

Sake Festival Sponsor by Obata Competitor

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Buy Gold at vending machine

When you think of vending machine, what items do you expect to buy there? soda, snacks, maybe ice cream?

Have you thought about buying gold in a vending machine? Here's one in Abu Dhabi.i

Due to the surge in gold prices and growing demands, buying and selling gold becomes active again. People wants convenience when they shop for gold, so they go for a vending machine!

The name is called "Gold to go".
They expanded their business to the U.S in November this year.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Leverage dedicated FAN's passionate power

This Fanpage of Coca-Cola is one of the most successful SMM examples of exploiting social networking site. This was originally created by Coca-Cola enthusiasts and now cooperated with the company peacefully and effectively. This site implies a lot about the future of marketing.!/cocacola

As an eMarketer who studied under Prof. Sugai, I hereby pledge to create an innovative, powerful and reliable solution like this benchmark for the leading marketing tool in the future!

Future of screen technology

Here is future of screen technology from RIM. Have a look.
Future of Screen Technology

What's hot in Japan?

Japan's "consumer mindset" has been exposed for another year by Dentsu -- Japan's largest advertising agency -- with the release of their top 20 Hit Products list.

Smartphones have sweeped Japan... where they took time to take hold.

The survey carried out in November used a system called Dentsu Buzz Research to analyze word of mouth "buzz" in Internet blogs and asked respondents to rate "recognition," "have/had interest," and "is/was popular" from 130 items.

While it may be no surprise that the smartphone topped the list, some of the trends that swept the country came high.

Most notable was taberu raayu, formerly a spicy oil to go with soy sauce for gyoza but now including garlic and other ingredients so it can be added on rice.

Tech products feature strongly, while the power of TV dramas helped figures dead and alive boost their profile.

Top 20 hit products 2010

No. 1: Smartphones

No. 2: Twitter

No. 3: Munchable chili oil (taberu raayu)

No. 4: Digital broadcasting-equipped flat-panel TVs

No. 5: Ryoma Sakamoto (1836-1867; popular historical figure whose profile was raised by TV Drama "The Legend of Ryoma")

No. 6: International flight services at Haneda Airport

No. 7: Tokyo Sky Tree

No. 8: Eco-point energy-saving home appliances

No. 9: 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa

No. 10: LED light bulbs

No. 11: “B-grade” local gourmet food (inexpensive food in a casual setting)

No. 12: Akira Ikegami (journalist and commentator)

No. 13: Domestic fast fashion brands (low prices brands like UNIQLO)

No. 14: GeGeGe’s Wife (TV drama based on the 2008 autobiography by Nunoe Mura, the wife of manga artist Shigeru Mizuki, known for his manga character GeGeGe no Kitaro, a ghost boy who saves the world from evil spirit monsters)

No. 15: 3D movies, TV, cameras and other 3D products

No. 16: Hybrid vehicles

No. 17: Imported fast fashion brands (Forever 21, H&M etc.)

No. 18: AKB48 (48-member all-girl idol group)

No. 19: Tablet information devices

No. 20: Yoichi Watanabe (war photographer and popular talk-show guest)

Source: www.cnngo

The Future of Vending Machines in Japan

We can see several kinds of vending machine all over Japan. According to this video clip, there are around 5 millions vending machines distributed all over countries. A lot of people it is vital for their lives. They cannot live with the vending machines.
However, sales revenue has constantly decreased, which suggests that the market is reaching the saturation point. Therefore, many companies, who produce vending machines, has come up with new ideas for the vending machines. One of them is the interactive vending machine that prof. mentioned in class. Another interesting idea is to sell fresh fruits via the vending machines.
They are all hoping that these innovative ideas will help stimulate sales revenue to rise again.

Enjoy watching!!

SoftBank CM and Rakuten ICHIBA CM

Do you know SoftBank CM and Rakuten? both compaies are very IT famous company.In additon, Masayoshi Son in Softbank and Hiroshi mikitani of Rakuten are CEO who represents Japan. Today, Please check both CM.

SoftBank CM


How about do you feel? I feel that both CM are quite difference such as love story and comedy story. however, I feel that both CM have impact and message. Both companies will continue to create new market or new service. Anyway, I want to say," thank you for your check and kindness". See you final presentation.

The Internet Innovator in Our Community

I would like to introduce my previous colleague, Mr. Junichi Kamisuzuki. He is now president of Revoxx and same age as me. His company’s main business is online advertisement via the mobile phones, that is to say, affiliate business. Around five years ago, he left our company, Ryosan to found a new company and launch affiliate business. At the beginning, he could not succeed in this business due to less skills and information; therefore, his income was very low despite remaining something. Now, he can acquire the success and high income. I know his income but I can not say it!! He has checked various trends in various markets on a daily basis because nobody can predict what will be profitable and interesting market. I think that marketers should check a large variety of information in different market in order to propose sophisticated ideas for their clients. Anyway, I can drink a lot compared to him!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

About Future of Marketing and Technology

In the last lecture professor was talking about future of marketing and technology and that we all should think about what would be in 10 or 20 years. When I told my brother that there is HDTV at IUJ campus now he sent me this picture

My point is that different people have very different views on future technologies :)

Hakutsuru (Obata Competitor) Sake Brewery Museum

Friday, December 3, 2010

Internet Privacy in the News

As I was reading the news this morning, I noticed two interesting articles regarding the issue of internet privacy.

The first one is about Google settling a class action law suit brought forth by users of its Gmail service. The users sued last year when they discovered that their network of Buzz “friends” was created from their list of Gmail contact.

The second article is on the new plan proposed by the Federal Trade Commission of the U.S., to protect the privacy of users online. The plan calls for a broad framework for commercial use of Web consumer data, including a simple and universal “do not track” mechanism that would essentially give consumers the type of control they gained over marketers with the national “do not call” registry.

Future Trends of Marketing: eMarketing and CSR, The Dynamic Duo

Based on this article : about future trends of marketing, we can see that the future of marketing as general moves in to two directions: eMarketing and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). These two marketing strategy are believed to be the future key to success of a company. I was just wondering what if we combine these two strategies and come up with a more powerful way of marketing. Fortunately and unfortunately for me there are some company that have already applied and combine these two. is one of the companies that applied these two strategies together. To help Taiwan’s rice farmers, PayEasy cooperated with Taiwan Rice Farmers Co., Ltd. (“TRF) founded by seven counties/cities and 43 professional farmers, initiated rice paddy adoption program – “My Acre of Rice Paddy” with domestic businesses, which established a new marketing platform for the rice farmers with actual actions and resulted in enthusiastic feedback. Within only two months, nearly seventy businesses have jointed the adoption program; the fading Taiwan rice industry seems to have found a slim chance of survival from the adoption program. Nevertheless, this is not the first time PayEasy applies its capability in online marketing to connect the specialties of profit-seeking businesses and social contribution to properly perform its social responsibility. For more complete article visit:

Japanese Sake Industry

I was curious about Japanese Sake (how about the current sake industry in Japan, how about the future of the sake industry,… and how it tastes???). For who are interested in this topic, please watch these video clips… while tasting some sake. I hope that you will understand more about Japanese sake and get the new ideas for your assignments.

Current Sake Industry in Japan -- powered by

The Future of Sake in Japan -- powered by

The Future of Sake Outside of Japan -- powered by

Some findings:

I have been searching over internet about its future and trends. Though I did not find anything concrete like idea or video, I want to share some links which will help all of us to get some knowledge about what is going on over the time and what is going to be happened in the near future with this giant means of communication:
Did you know?
Semantic Web
Web 1.0 Vs Web 2.0 Vs Web 3.0
Future Internet and Google

Google Search Engine Now Detects Bad Businesses

"Is it good news or bad?" is truly up to you.
However, it is a bit challenging to know the move Google made.

For more information, please visit here.

Create your own Health Summary Page!

I have found one interesting website,, which helps visitors to create health page with rich story of your health background on a single summary page using avatar. You could try out the website just for fun as provide below;

Social Media Consolidation

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, MySpace, Groupon, and the list goes on. It's a social media boom, indeed. However, after the boom usually comes a bust. I agree with this author who predicted social media consolidation and/or foldups this year (click here for full article). Some social media companies might consolidate to form bigger ones, some might get acquired, or some might simply give up. As a user, I'd probably end up using just one site, just because maintaining too many sites is just complicated. So it's survival of the fittest - battle of the bests - whoever gives me the most value.

It's almost the end of 2010 and still there are a lot of them out there. However, if it doesn't happen this year, I think the inevitable will happen not too far ahead. Here's an apple to get you thinking. :)

Alibaba's plan for commercial bank

I am excited to hear the news that Alibaba's application for banking license may success.

Alibaba Commercial Bank of Zhejiang Province, which has received investment from Alibaba Group, has reportedly passed the inspections of the People's Bank of China (PBC), China's central bank, and the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), and will soon receive official notification to this end.

It is reported that Alibaba which has abundant transaction information for small and medium-sized enterprises doing business on the Internet, has unique advantages in providing financing support. 

This news makes me exciting because it shows how the data and information collected through e-business can be transformed into valuable support for credit risk assessment in practice. It may also an example for solution to SME financing support.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Future of Shopping

Dear eMarketers,
This video is Cisco Borderless Networks solution for near future.
It can help you:
  • Maximize participation by connecting your partners, customers, and workforce, anywhere, anytime, on any device - securely, reliably and seamlessly
  • Accelerate business innovation while managing costs
  • Deliver a more personalized experience to encourage customer intimacy
  • Save time and money with simplified planning, implementation, and operations of physical and virtual resources

Reasons Why Your Social Media Marketing Failed (7 Reasons and counting...)

In these days, while analyzing and thinking about the Online Marketing Campaign, one of the articles comes across to my notice. This short article points me out that the failures of the online marketing campaigns. I want to share with you all about the article.

Here is the summary of the article.

7 Reasons:Your social media marketing failed..

1. You choose the wrong channels
2. You use the wrong people
3. Your content sucked (sorry, I use the word as it is)
4. Your team didn't believe in the project
5. You didn't execute
6. Noone trusted you
7. You forgot about search.

I believe the above facts should be the checklists for your marketing campaign at least.
The article goes on by giving some solutions for each point. Check it out...

Guys, let's do our best for the marketing campaign challenge... Cheers

What Does Technology Want? - Radiolab

This post is a bit of a tangent in regards to emarketing.  Nonetheless, I wanted to share this Radiolab podcast because I liked it and I think there are interesting connections to some questions we've been dancing around in class.  In class, of course, we stick to a business perspective on the value and risks of technology with respect to the internet, mobile, social media, and personal information and how marketing can exploit them.  

This podcast is interesting because it asks the nagging philosophical questions.  Is technology inevitable?  Is it good?  What does technology want?  

In conclusion, yes, yes, and we don't know...yet.  Listen for yourself.
What Does Technology Want? - Radiolab

The Future of eMarketing: Holographical Marketing

Not so long ago, we saw in the sci-fi films like "Minority Report" or TV shows like "Star Trek" with gadgets and technology that make us WOW about so much - and these technologies has becoming part of our daily life.

I believe the next trend in eMarketing (and marketing in general) is how to use 3D projecting systems to create exciting campaign that enhances better visual value - and but the way when we say 3D is not the TVs, but real 3D image that people can walk around and see (see the link here to find out what is capable today).

With 3D Holographic technology becomes more mature, and combine with the current technology to tailor and personalize information for users today. This combination can be a very unique way of delivering product value to consumers.

Surveillance VS Privacy

RFID is a great technology's been using efficient SCM. However, what if it's used for human being? Today, it has been using at a night club.

In the future, RFID may be used in a medical field to exchange the date and identified a right patient in order to prescribe a medicine. Once we start RFID for medical field, we don't need to see a doctor so often. It's convenient. Moreover, it can be used for people who has criminal records, and it may help to prevent crimes. We may make the world "safer."
However, there are always pros and cons, and it's controversial issue.
What do you think about to implant a microchip to human body? Is this a future?

Virtual Game

Nintendo Wii is one of the virtual video game. It makes you feeling like you are a realistic player.

This video is funny, enjoy watching it!!

HK Headhunter's "after sales" service

Talking about the importance of after sales service, I suddenly think of how headhunters in HK provide the "after sales services" to their customers and also to their candidates.

Usually, after placement, if the candidate left the company within 6 months, the headhunter is obligated to place another new candidate for free. However, recruitment agents would also collect feedback from candidates to see if they are satisfied with the new environment. If the response is negative, they will recommend you another job. It is, however, there's an implicit prerequisite for this service. That is, you have to make use of your probation period (6 months) to find out how the new job is unsuitable to you. In other words, they have to make sure they will perform their after-sales service to the candidates only after they get the commission from their clients! How evil it is!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Everytime when I watch sci-fi movie, i will see new techology innovation. For example, in the movie "AVATAR", many new technologies was shown. One of my favourite is Virtual Screen. It is very useful for Emarketing in the future. People do nlot need to carry their computers anymore because they have a virtual one!

Conversation Marketing

In the near future, Conversational Marketing will become one of the most important marketing methods. It is that a company has a conversation with people through social network sites like Twitter about its products. A Company can not increase its visibility dramatically with this method; however, they do not need to invest a great deal of money in advertisements in order to establish close relationships with customers. I think that it is very effective way of increasing the number of fans!

Smart Grid - important future trend for eMarketing

US businesses and entrepreneurs are thinking of ways to make money by decreasing American dependency on oil through a smart grid system.  These new technologies and intelligence would provide a whole new playground for companies to gain consumer information and to target customers with personalized ads.

Reporter Fears Life Over Tweet

After 85 unsuccessful draws, the Philippines' largest Lotto prize money (P741M) was won yesterday. Shortly after the jackpot draw, news instantly spread through various media channels. A newspaper reporter who was covering the draw immediately sent information to the news agency, and at the same time tweeted, "One winner from Luzon confirmed". A few hours later, he started receiving messages from family and friends congratulating him for winning the huge prize money. Consequently, he received over a hundred friend requests on Facebook, and even a fanpage encouraging him to spend the money wisely. Several tweets "jokingly" saying he should start fearing for his life and go on hiding also emerged.

Apparently, a widely followed celebrity tweeted about the lotto results and indicated the reporter as the winner. For the part of the reporter, he has since been concerned about his safety and privacy, fearing that he might become the target of crime or harassment.

Indeed, privacy is dead. But hopefully it doesn't take anyone else to its grave.

Here's the link to the news article. Click here

Introducing Google TV

Do you know this Google TV? Future trend of e-marketing is this week's topic. I feel that this CM is very easy understanding, and this CM displays future trend of users.
Please check it.

How about do you feel? I feel that Future trend of e-marketing continue to think about costumer need. We also have to consider about customer needs.