Thursday, December 2, 2010

Surveillance VS Privacy

RFID is a great technology's been using efficient SCM. However, what if it's used for human being? Today, it has been using at a night club.

In the future, RFID may be used in a medical field to exchange the date and identified a right patient in order to prescribe a medicine. Once we start RFID for medical field, we don't need to see a doctor so often. It's convenient. Moreover, it can be used for people who has criminal records, and it may help to prevent crimes. We may make the world "safer."
However, there are always pros and cons, and it's controversial issue.
What do you think about to implant a microchip to human body? Is this a future?


taj said...

I think this post takes us back to the privacy argument. There is no question that this technology can have lots of benefits, but then again, I'm sure that lots of people won't be willing to submit themselves to such technology. Nonetheless, I still believe that such technologies is where e-marketing is headed towards, whether some of us like or not.

Minn said...

I can not agree with Taj more. That's a greatly questionable for the privacy issue. :)

Guys, we still need to think about the privacy... :)