Saturday, November 26, 2011

Value proposition and culture

TV commercial represents each country’s culture. Meiji-Yasuda life insurance company is typical example of Japanese unique CM. This company has continued this series of CM for 10 years.

Meiji-Yasuda holds annual photo contest which theme is  meaning or pleasure of our life. My company(News paper company) also supports this contest.  Meiji-Yasuda uses these photos with  participants’ consent and makes its new CM every year. This CM shows us story about short life of handicapped kid with his parents. He had already died because of Down's syndrome mongolism at that time. Basically, Story was very sad.

This CM was not directly related to Insurance sales but impressed many Japanese people and gave a good awareness of Meiji-Yasuda for people.

I’m not sure if the other country has a similar CM culture, but I guess this is uniqueness of Japanese CM which represent our culture or our unique emotion. If this is true, value proposition is different depend on the couture as well.

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