Friday, November 18, 2011

Google's privacy infringement

Last class is very interesting for me. Information technology enables us to collect personal information and use it for marketing and sales promotion. However, I wonder we can decide to what degree we can use it or if we can draw the boundary between ethical abuse and appropriate use. This is very hard question.

Actually, I don't like Google because I wonder the Google invades our privacy. Google choose advertisements for Gmail users based on the words of user’s email. Google insists this is not infringement of privacy because nobody doesn’t look it, machine does. But I cannot agree with Google's insistence. That's why I have a Gmail account for just convenient but I scarcely use this account.

Many people including me fear that their right to privacy will be threatend by the unauthorized use or disclosure of infromation in cloud databese. Marketer also has to consider it and should make a rule for it by themselves before goverment tries to regulate it. If goverment makes a law about it, the other problems like an abuse of this information by investigating authority or press freedom violations will happen. (English) (Japanese)

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