Monday, October 29, 2012

Search Engine Marketing in China: Baidu vs. Google

Baidu is the biggest Chinese search engine. Apparently, it should have great advantage over Google on Chinese search engine marketing, especially after Google crisis of withdrawing from mainland China in 2010. Though Google still services to mainland China, it actually closed the server in China and use "" to replace the original domain name "" and "". This event is really a great blow to Google China; And Baidu, though does't involved directly in it, it was indeed a beneficiary of this event from the results. Otherwise, to Chinese internet users, Baidu is generally more familiar and more in line with Chinese' searching habits. 
Even though Baidu have better customer base and geographical advantages, it still didn't show great advantage on Search Engine Marketing.It can be due to the inaccuray of ads conversion and high rate of fraudulent advertising. While on the other hand, Google shows high accuray in ads conversion and more concise page structure which led to the longer time of users stayed on the page. 
Therefore, the preference of companies in SEM campaign choosing is not so favorable to Baidu as it showed in customer base.

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