Monday, October 29, 2012

Learning from Air France case study

Marketing analyses can be going with different results, I learned from our “Air France” case that different analysis could lead to different conclusions. Instead of explained with a long word, I will giving brief example that I hope provide us with clear understanding.
Suppose that Search Engine Optimization (SOE) Company want to analysis the effectiveness of Google Company as Search Engine Machine (SEM),then SOE  Company can have 2 different approaches from the same data they collected. For instance the effective of SEM data as below:

On table 1 we can see that Google are effectively drive 60.22% of potential customers, while in table 2, the analysis on calculating the average of effectiveness is talking in different way. Trying to interpreted table 2, we have conclusion that on average, SEO Company’s campaigns in Google are success leading potential customers around 46.56%.  Thus table 1 is talking about Google as whole SEM performance, but table 2 is talking about SEO Company's Campaign effectiveness when they deal with Google.

Therefore different approaches of analyses may lead to different conclusion; Prof. Sugai mentioned before in our class that marketing is made not only scientific but it needs also art as an ingredient inside it, so data/information is just statistic, how you treat them is the most important part. In the end, you as marketer that must decide which analytic approach you should use.

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