Sunday, October 21, 2012

Great success of Coca-Cola launching in Mongolia.

Do you know what is 150 ? This was the biggest question among everyone children, young and old people,  for about 3 months in 2009.
On every TV channel , on every banner of city , on every wall of the tallest buildings ,all you could see was white poster  with red number 150 . There was only number , nothing was indicated on that.
So human beings are very curious mammals. This hidden commercial was very successful beginning in Mongolia for coca-cola , because for many people it was not an usual drink. People does not know the taste well , for many of countryside people the name was even difficult to read . 
This red labeled drink was something new .After for about 3 months, it changed into different picture of bottled coca -cola and 150 tug (Mongolian currency 1$=1200 tug) so it seemed very cheap . By that time everyone new about 150 , and when all got the answer it was surprisingly just a soft drink .
I think this was the biggest viral of all. Now days some people still  call it 150 soda instead of coca-cola , even after they changed the price .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you could remember how did coca-cola launched in your country, that would be an interesthing thing to know :)