Sunday, November 15, 2009

Behavioral targeting: The dos and don'ts

Every marketer's dream is to know as much as possible about a consumer to improve brand image and generate sales by sending exactly the right message to the right audience at the right time.

But when do consumers think we have “gone too far” in tracking their behavior? A growing number believe their every click of a mouse, swipe of a card or call on their cell phone is being recorded and sold to the highest bidder. And … in some instances, they aren't too far off the mark.


June said...
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June said...

In the highly competitive world, many marketers want to know customers' behaviors in order to develop their products or increase their sales. This is one of customer's opinion about tracking his (or her) behavior. He (or she) suggested to adopt the principles of digital privacy; the Education Principle, the Transparency Principle, the Consumer Control Principle, the Consumer Control Principle, the Data Security Principle, the Material Changes Principle, the Sensitive Data Principle, and the Accountability Principle.