Monday, November 10, 2008

Social Networking Ads

Myspace has started targeting its individuals and small business segments using its new platform MyAds.
Placing an ad comprises of “a few easy steps”:
  1. Sign-up on
  2. Create a display ad using the MyAds Builder Tool
  3. Select a variable ad spend anywhere from $25 to $10,000
  4. HyperTarget to customers (based on self-expressed interests available on MySpace profiles, along with age, sex and geographical location)
  5. Measure ad performance with MyAds analytics reporting

The end result, says MySpace, is to democratize online advertising. Or to borrow another phrase from the Web 2.0 bible, the company is attempting to monetize the Long Tail.

Personally, I think many people might find this intrusive or barely working. I see small google-ish ads on the side everytime but never once have i clicked on it. I think GoogleAds has more specific results compared to MyAds and Facebook Ads.

Read the full story here

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