Monday, November 17, 2008

Personalisation and future e-marketing


Simply put, personalization is getting the right message, with the right content, to the right person, at the right time and using the right medium. This is where the power of e-marketing really sparkles. When you have permission and have developed a best-of-breed privacy policy and follow it, your targets will hold your brand in high regard and will be very comfortable with you marketing to them. How do you get the best results out of this relationship?

Personalization will be the key in future e-marketing. The average online consumer has seen good and bad examples of websites and email marketing efforts. All are familiar with, and typically dislike SPAM. They have disregarded the vast majority of banner ads and interstitials (pop-ups) that have been pushed to them. Overall, your targets know what they like and don't like!

A proper database and data acquisition strategy will allow you to know exactly what each person likes, what they want out of a relationship with you, how they want it, and when they want it. Web-based surveys are a great way to learn what customers, prospects and your channel want, how they want it and how often. With a proper e-marketing strategy that integrates online efforts with offline executions and personalization - optimizing individual relationships is within reach.

Personalization will be key to keeping permission over the long haul. In e-marketing the power is with the individual not the marketer. Any person can choose whether they visit your website - or not! They can choose to give you permission to send email to them - or not. They can choose to click on your banner ads - or not. If you cannot consistently provide value to each individual that you have a marketing relationship with, and do so at every touchpoint, you will quickly lose their interest…and their permission.

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