Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Personalization: Future Internet Experience?

I found some articels talk about the future of internet and how personalization will play in the figure. Some articles discussed that web 3.0 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_3.0)would be all about personalisation. 



I am not sure with that, but with a right implementation personalization is a great concept for people to experience the internet in a very different way in the near future. We could imagine that when the future internet becoming ubiquitous with personalization features, internet would recommend people about information they exactly needed right away, and tell them how or where to get it. Thus in such internet experience, information comes to people. An interesting observation on how internet evolves would be:

Web 1.0 : where people was looking for a centralized information

Web 2.0 : where people is sharing a scatered/distributed information

Web 3.0 : where people will be looked by information on anything related, anywhere, anytime

On another hand, as discussed in the following article,


privacy and security is still the most stressful area to be extremely carefully managed so people will not see such ubiquity internet as a threat to their personal life, but instead as a great experience that help their life better. One book that talk about such privacy management is as follow. 


It discusses and give insights on some questions: At what point do personalization and privacy clash? Who owns personal information? To what extent should technology be constrained by social factors?

Web 3.0 is expected to be “matured” starting in couple years to come… so lets see what’s happening then…..  


Anoloth Phanvongsa said...

Web 3.0 what an interesting hype! The 3D space looks like the TSO case about second life. I cannot imagine how our life will be when we all interact via web interface. Will our human interaction be altered? Will we lose our social sense of human being? Maybe, it will be one of major causes of the declining world population because people might just stop going out when they can enjoy their virtual life.. sound scary to me.

Though, given people will stay at home more I think the best business in the future might be home delivery food! Maybe we can create a web 3.0 sites that allow people to create their 3D world with their real address and we allow domino pizza, for instance, to sale their pizza on our site. Well, keep our fingers crossed - it's just a dream.

rizki said...

LOL :D It was a funny example Bic. Yea, hypes are all around the future internet. I observe such hype are usually hidden behind the buzz words like ubiquitous, could computing, seamless communication, or etc etc. Although I'm not sure which one is hype or which one is not, need deep analysis.. arrr...
Anyway, I wanna a pizza! :D