Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Future Trend of eMarketing - CSR

My idea of the future trend that would affect eMarketing is quite broad, but surely, it will affect every business in the future. CSR, or Corporate Social Responsibility, is becoming more and more important nowadays. It has always been perceived as a “Cost Center” before, just like customer service. However, as world is changing more and more dramatically nowadays, I believe CSR will become more and more vital as well. The main idea not just about how you can save the nature. It’s about how you can contribute to the society.

We all know very well what is the bottom line of doing business, of course, money and profitability (let’s take NPO out for a while). By believing so, there is always a kind of negative image or perception within all of us that in some way, the company is draining something out of me. It could be very direct like money or time, or it could be very indirect such as polluting nature or any other negative societal impact. This is why companies have to create CSR strategies that can reduce the negative perceptions away from stakeholder’s mind.

As I have said before, I strongly believe it’s not just going to affect eMarketing, but every business around the world. I also believe that CSR will slowly turning from “Cost Center” to “Profit Center” in this upcoming future. As the world is turning more to newer innovations and new hypes nowadays, many companies are also turning their attention to how can they contribute back to the society as well, rather than just complying with the normal obligations.

Further information about CSR:

1 comment:

Yac00b said...

It is already happening one good example is The Body Shop. Their value proposition is their against animal testing, defending human rights, protecting our planet and other values you can check out the list here...

There is an increasing trend of Eco-friendly products and companies investing heavily in CSR initiatives.

My question is are they using CSR as a marketing, PR strategy or are they sincere in creating a better World? or any other reasons ? What do you guys think ?