Wednesday, November 5, 2008

IBoX and Downloadbox Explanation

"IBox" is an inexpensive hard-disk plugged to the internet-its kind of a set box like your fixed telephone set that sits at your home. For IBox to work it must be plugged to the internet and ofcourse,the power connection.The complete function of "IBoX" could be fully utilised through over the internet. At site there is three types of content for purchase: Movies, PC software and PC Games. All purchased contents are remotely stored at IBoX, which is most probably located in your home.

Before building this simple idea:
Our core idea was- downloading of contents should be location independant, which means downloaded contents does not necessarily require the usage of computer physical resources being used rather every contents are routed to "IBoX", which is an inexpensive hard disk plugged to the internet. White collar men basically could access multimedia contents over the internet and yet not take any download space at their office desktop PC. Purchased downloaded contents are automatically routed to the "IBoX" through some IP address to machine address translation, which is done at the background by

"IBoX" users usually access their user profile with their username and password in order to get access to their personalized "IBoX" user profile over the internet(It's like logging in to your hotmail or gmail). On the user profile they are offered easy to use web user interface to make content purchase of movies, PC games and PC softwares.

Upon COMPLETION of the purchase cycle, the download is initiated at their IBoX. The white collar people(our target customer segment) could simply close their internet browser and leave for home.
At home he could access his previous/recent purchased contents by plugging the "IBoX" to his home desktop PC via USB cable.

Our Value Propostion: 1) Saves time for the white collar people by trimming down the search and download hassle.
2) Download is location independant. It is accessible via with your cell phone or any desktop PC located elsewhere.

Our sticky line: ENTERTAINMENT and Work should not come in the way.

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