Thursday, November 18, 2010

Kamen Rider's Gadget

I saw a picture from Prof.Sugai ppt. 2003 Kamen Rider used "cell phone" to henshin (transform), notices that most of recent Kamen Riders used gadget to henshin. I list some Heisei Kamen Riders here along with the gadget they used to henshin. May be we can see how trends delevoped in Japan.

2003 555: Cell phone
2004 Blade: Card (casino card)
2007 Den-O: Smart Card (for train)
2009 Decade: Card (game card)
2010 W: USB Flashdrive
2011 OOO: Coin/Medal (for vending machine)

Especially, the current airing Kamen Rider series tend to use a lot of popular gadget, including iPhone and iPad. May be this is not just for advertising a product...

1 comment:

Mark Chung Lai Leung said...

This blog post is actually very interesting as Japan is probably one of the first place that linking different show content into cell phone and its accessories.

Similar to Kamen Rider, perhaps the Gundam related products is another one that we see mobile related commerce really thrived.
One of example is the calling screens for mobiles (携帯待受) which is big business in content traffic.

While some of the western companies (such as Disney) is attempt to replicate such model elsewhere in the world, but seems till now there were not many of such success.

The question is - is this really just a Japan thing?