Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Welding Social Network with the Browser... Is it Blue ocean in the inter-connected world?

While we all are talking about how to leverage the inter-connecting internet and its social network services, one of the start-ups is now developing a browser software based on a concept of joining the social networks along with the browser....

Have a look.
Rock Melt

It is interesting to see the response from the browser rivals.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Cool post. The video is interesting and the product could be something I would use. But it seems like their tailoring their service mostly to college students and recent college grads. Welding social networks with browsers is a good idea but I'm not sure if marketing to college kids is the right target. I think an older demographic that is struggling to manage their busy lives and all their new online lives might gain more value from this sort of product.