Thursday, October 23, 2008

Google Analytics + Online Marketing

Recently I had a chat with a friend of mine who is a developer and someone who has an e-Business based in Palestine. You can check out his website here (this link is a translated version of the original page which is in Arabic). More about his very 'interesting' business model later.

He recommended Google analytics to measure online marketing performance. I was amazed to see the report he got for his website. There is so much valuable information that is simply fantastic. According to the Google Analytics website "You can Learn more about where your visitors come from and how they interact with your site. You'll get the information you need to write better ads, strengthen your marketing initiatives, and create higher-converting websites." Here is a list of benefits they have and I was wondering if we could analyze this page and identify their 'value proposition'. Any takers??

To Prof. Sugai - I tried to add analytics for our blog unfortunately I could not as I do not have administrator privileges. I strongly recommend we add analytics to our blog so that we can have a case study towards the end of this semester or later. Some of the case studies about analytics can be found here.