Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Fifteen Rules for Starting and Managing a Corporate Blog

1. Don’t treat corporate blogs like another corporate communications or marketing communications device, it’s significantly different.
2. Don’t blog without a solid, compelling case and proper resources.
3. Have solid executive backing before you blog.
4. Choose your bloggers carefully.
5. Authenticity is critical.
6. Thoroughly train your bloggers and require an internal blogging test period before a blogger is “certified.”
7. Assign a blog approver for each blog who has some degree of subject matter expertise, knowledge of company policies and public relations.
8. Don’t hide from the tough stuff. Be willing to admit mistakes.
9. Create a blog crisis communications plan.
10. Moderate blog comments.
11. Make your blog part of a communications plan – not the whole of it.
12. Monitor your corporate blogs.
13. Determine measures of effectiveness up front.
14. Consider that the blogosphere expects your blogs to be a marketing and PR mouthpiece. Always keep this in mind and prove them wrong.
15. Manage your brand online: Monitor what people are saying about your brand online.

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