Sunday, December 6, 2009

Social networks will become next-generation CRM systems

According to forecast by "the future of the social web" on Forrester, the era of social commerce will start from 2011 and mature on 2013. At that time,"social networks become the repository for identities and relationships, they will become more powerful than corporate Web sites and CRM systems."
At this stage, users will involve more in web community and build relationship based on trust in the commnunity,and do group buys. It also makes them reluctant to give their personal data to brands they don't trust due to confidentiality. Eventually, social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn will gain bigger and bigger customer base and trust, and they will evolve into the holding ground of customer information. "Social networks will derive power from a new role: a customer-relationship intermediary between brands and consumers". Then privacy risk will become more and more important for marketers to consider to generate trusting of customers and connect them with brands.

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