Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Welcome to eMarketing 2010

Hello and welcome to the eMarketing 2010 Class Blog! We'll use this forum to keep each other up to date on the latest trends and events in eMarketing as they related to our class discussions. Please add your thoughts and opinions each week and let's see how the concepts from our class are working in the "real world" as businesses work harder and harder to integrate Web capabilities into their Marketing and overall business efforts.

1 comment:

Akio said...

After I read the case, HubSpot, it reminded me that I read “Life After the 30-Second Spot: Energize Your Brand With a Bold Mix of Alternatives to Traditional Advertising”by Joseph Jaffe back in 2007.
I understant that people do not like to be interrupted by adds or telemarketing so called outbound marketing while they are doing something. 21 century is the age that customers are going to get the information when they want to. Companies are finding that way to attract qualified customers using Internet search, online blogs, and social networking sites like mixi, facebook,or Teitter to lean about products and services. They have to sift from traditional marketing to modern one. That's what I think.