Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Future of e-Marketing

We learned many things about eMarketing. How it evolved through the years with growing usage of SMM like facebook, twitter..etc
But if you think more back e-Marketing's nascent state was when WWW became popular. We make surveys , we create awareness, create websites all through techlogy itself.
In my opinion the future of eMarketitng is essential from new technologies like this amazing innovation called " six sense".
Question is how to adapt it ?
We have a successful example of SMM , its shows us that people are people. And it is natural to want to engage with each other and be emotional. In fact we learned from eMarketing course that most successful marketing approach is to create something that could awake some sort of emotion.
In my opinion the future of eMarketing would be narrowed down to persona , and deliver the perfect more personalized marketing approach.


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