Saturday, November 10, 2012

Conspiracy Theory 3.0 :)

If we voluntarily agreed to give access to our personal information it's OK, it is our decision. But what about dark side?

Do you know that by Lookout's research about 11% of free iTunes' applications had the ability to collect your contact data?

Another technology blog VentureBeat reported "that dozens of apps for Apple were taking users' address books without permission".

Moreover, some of applications could turn on your smartphone's microphone, others even were recording your dialed phone numbers and SMS. Again, without your permission.
Twitter, Foursquare, Yelp etc apps were not an exception.

Is this price for mobility?

By the way, does anyone knows app that analyzes others apps' privacy violence? Please let me know.
But who will control this app? :)

Please read a full article.

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