Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Can you live without mobile phone?

According the SecurEnvoy, one of the British survey companies, 66% of British people are dependence syndrome to mobile phone.

The SecurEnvoy also says that British people check their mobile phone 34 times a day!

In the survey, the company indicates that we have potential to become a dependence syndrome to mobile phone if we have following subjective symptoms.

Please check!

  An inability to ever turn your phone off
  Obsessively checking for missed calls, emails and texts
  Constantly topping up your battery life
  Being unable to pop to the bathroom without taking your 
   phone in with you.

 Jyukei−ji, Kawasaki, Kanagawa

I have some dependence syndrome because I fell uncomfortable when I go outside without mobile phone.

I think one reason is that IUJ students always have to check e-mail that IUJ send us many times a day…

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