Monday, October 8, 2007

I have found this article about..
"Social Media's Impact on Mobile Marketing"
the article mainly talks about how people change the way they use mobile phone (from just a phone to something more connected), and how companies see the opportunity to create a product that give the most value to the consumers using the current mobile technology.

The mobile phone is the link in the movement from a networked society to a more connected one. What does this mean for mobile marketers? Jennifer Jones spoke with Chad Stoller, executive director of Organic, a digital marketing agency, to gain his perspective on current opportunities.

"Social Media is a term that is used for a broad spectrum of topics, and has several different connotations, however in the context of internet marketing, Social Media refers to a collective group of web properties that are primarily driven by the users. For example, blogs, discussion boards, vlogs, video sharing sites and dating sites. Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the process of trying to get one's content more widely distributed across multiple Social Media networks." quoted from Wikipedia

the original link..
Marketing Voices

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