Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Lesson to learn from Apple: Listening and Communicating with customer

Apple customers? They are definitely a group of passionate, fiercely loyal and strong brand advocates. What could we learn from Apple in terms of customer support?

Here is an example. Last month, when Apple announced lowering the price of the 8GB iphone by $200 just after two months of its release and eliminating the 4GB model, many Apple loyal customers were likely feeling disappointed. Just one day after this announcement, Apple CEO Steve Jobs had come to Apple hotnews forum and issued an
open letter to iPhone owners, offering them a $100 credit for being early adopters. This was how Apple sent a message about its loyalty to customers and its respect to customers loyalty.

This story has got widely coverage by the press. Beside positive word of mouth, the letter reached its goal, "appreciation" of Apple loyal fans.

Please skim through the Apple hotnews archive, you can see more posts by Mr. Jobs and see how he cleverly talks and connects with customers.

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