Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TOL Mail Magazine

Today we discussed TSUTAYA Online case in class.
TSUTAYA Online's mail magazine is one of its innovations and effective marketing tools.
You can see the variety of mail magazines in TSUTAYA's website.

However, I found on the website that unfortunately, TSUTAYA Online will stop the Mail Magazine service at the end of November.
I don't know the reason, but maybe they will renew the service, or find a better way for their marketing strategies.


Philip said...

I've just sent an email to my friend at TOL to ask why this is and what their plans are for the future. I'll let you know when I hear back.

thank you for posting this!!

Philip said...

Here is the answer that I received from Tsutaya:

My T-Site has a "T-Mail" equivalent and since TOL and My T Site have been integrated(all web presence for CCC is now under one group) I think we decided to combine the two together so in effect it is not really stopping just changing form.
