Sunday, November 8, 2009

Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Personalization

This week ReadWriteWeb is running a series of posts analyzing the 5 biggest Web trends of 2009. Our first post was about Structured Data, our second about The Real-Time Web. The third part of our series is on Personalization.

Personalization has long been a buzzword on the Internet. With the glut of information on the Web circa 2009, personalization in this era means providing effective filters and recommendations. Ultimately personalization is about web sites and services giving you what you want, when you want it. That's the long-standing dream anyway. Let's see if the products of 2009 are fulfilling it.


June said...

It seems like Tsutaya's strategy gathering customer information in its database. Then, Tsutaya analyzed what individual's preferences of customers are and provided content related to what customers want via mobile phone.

habirah said...

I have to agree that personalization nowadays is far more important than it has been before. Sites need to adapt, modified all based on what the user wants. Consumers are attracted to things that simple yet advanced. I believe in the future, personalization will be more powerful and interactive for the users.

Anna said...

Both of you are right. But please take careful steps in handling customer data, related to fraud, piracy, phishing, internet scams and many other internet security issues. We'll talk more on this subject in next class.