In today's class, we learned that although personalization is effective for marketing, protecting private information is also very important. In my previous job, we had a strict security policy. Our network transaction was always monitored in order to prevent any illegal conduct or negligence of duty in working hours. Computer virus is also a big threat for our business, so each employee was monitored not to access to any suspicious website.
Even if customer data is protected in the system, sometimes accident could happen because of carelessness or theft. Therefore, our company not only obliged us to set password in each device, but also prohibited us from carrying notebook computers and USB memory devices outside the company building without a special permission from the management. The rule is very strict. We usually cannot carry notebook PC or USB memory devices although they are meant to be mobile.
It's very inconvenient, but security and convenience are trade-off. In today's business environment, I think security should come first.
1 comment:
As Minako mentioned, security and convenience are in a trade-off relationship. In our bank, we also have a lot of encoded confidential information on various different systems. In addition, we should store a thousand of back up encoded data at confidential place in CMT (cassette magnetic tape) storage media. Moreover, each data has a different decoding key and it should change once a three month.
Actually, it’s a terrible work! Who can read so old-fashioned tape media?
After 9.11, several banks in U.S changed their data store policy from encryption to physical blocking because, at that time, they could not decode the back-up data under emergency situation, and could not restart their job smoothly.
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