As professor introduce a new billion technology from Apple, Siri
It's very interesting and look like a first step of new world is opening
However, in my mind, I think if it really work?
What if user speak wrong English grammar?
What if user's pronounce English incorrectly?
What if user say something strangely?
Do Siri understand and make a correct interpretation?
I search on google and find a interesting website, "Shit at Siri says" here :
Kind of funny, I don't know if the web ownner just made it or it's the actual reply from "Siri"
If you have Siri on your hand, please try these message and share me.
Anyway, it's undeniable that Apple always have a "Perfect" product.
If other company said, they will do voice command software like Siri, I think it's 80% not perfect.
But, this is Apple.... We have to wait and see.
Collect your money to buy Siri now !!
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