Wednesday, November 23, 2011

e-world to my sons

Last class was really interesting for me.

We watched some videos about Siri or something during class.
Especially, Siri impressed me.
At that time, I got concerns as well as impressions.

I'm a father. I have 2 sons(7 years old & 2 years old).
They can't watch TV as well as play video games due to my policy.
※Don't worry, they can play outside and read books as many as they like.

I believe that this policy is good for their health, imagination, and so on.

But, is it sure?
They can survive such e-world?

I worry about it now.


Muslim said...

I understand your concerns being a father and to some extent i agree with you. Every technology always comes with its good and bad effects. The thing is how you are going to utilize it. It is just a challenge for you to practice more good attributes of a father.


Shige_E-Biz said...

Thank you for your comment.

I hope that IUJ starts a parenting course.

jennifer said...

And who/what is leashed to who/what when they're grown up? (eee,.. head-scratch)