Saturday, October 10, 2009

Web 2.0! So there must be Web1.0 and perhaps Web3.0

You might think that my subject looks stupid enough, but this is what came into my mind after I heard this discussion topic from Prof. Sugai...

And since we are now living in Web 2.0 era, the most common procedure that I would do to satisfy my curiousity is to type "Web 2.0" into keyword search box of wikipedia or google in order to find out more about it.

Either Wiki or Google direct this word notation to Mr. Tim O'Reilly who defines Web 2.0 to be "The Web as Platform" with the example of Wiki, facebook, twitter ...etc where the user is also the provider of the content itself.

However, the more surprising issue is their profit making part, despite the rapid growing user on P2P website, those Web 2.0 provider revenue is not also growing as expected. I stumble upon one interesting article from that report an interest fact on the profit making side of Web 2.0, it is called "Web 2.0 is so over. Welcome to Web3.0", stating that though current Web 2.0 "P2P" websites might gain more popular than the traditional Web1.0 "B2C" websites, they are not making more profit at all...

Also it ends with another surprising keyword "Web 3.0", so with another research I bring you my brief finding from with table and online presentation that helps to understand and is fun to watch. Example are the table here on the right:

So I might say that reseaching in now Web2.0 age is not that boring and time-consuming anymore, but I might expect more ease for Web3.0 in the future.

1 comment:

Laura said...

..It is probably the most challenging and exciting aspect of technology and e-management: you can never be in velvet, you have always to be proactive up to master the future..!

It is difficult to say when we will pass from the Web 2.0 world to the 3.0 one effectively, but, no doubt, both of them seem to be fertile ground for challenge-lover e-marketers!