Wow, I just came across a cool way of using mobile bluetooths.
Presently lots of supermarkets around the world have tried and experimenting ways of using this for advertisements and promotional purposes. I was just curious to know more about the potentiality of such systems? Moreover wondering why Japanese supermarkets are not using this approach?
Click for the link for more details
Bluezone in Philipines
Bluezone in Doha, Qatar
For the mobile advertising, I think Japan has gone far away with QR Code since 1994.
QR Code is available on magazines, business cards, paper fan.... and with camera phone and correct reader software, users can access any information (regarding promotion, discount or current activities...) of the company/ products they interest at the company's website on their own mobile. Users can also generate and print their own QR Code for others to scan and use by visiting one of several free QR Code generating sites.
For more information, please visit this link below:
Thanks Thuy.Oh so the code which is placed near the cashier for coupon is QR code.
I learned about TORUCA too from Prof Sugai used in Japan for coupons.
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