Do you know situation of Electronic money in Japan? For instance, there are many varieties such as Edy, Suica, QUICPay, nanaco, waon and so on. How about you feeling, convenience? Are there convenient? Maybe, There are very convenience when we go to shopping. However, I guess that electronic money is inconvenience in order for many varieties. For example, when we get train, we have to use Suica, and when we want to buy something, we must use Edy, QUIPay, nanaco, waon and so on. Therefore, we have to take many electronic money. We, consumer hope unification, I guess that it is true "value". what do you think about it?
Thank you for your Knowledge sharing, Shinji.
Let me add some facts to that eMoney. Being a student of Money and Banking in Japan class coached by Prof. Takatsuki, I found out that there is no such a recognition of eMoney as Money in accordance with the current Japanese banking law. Thus, depositor protection law does not cover any loss due to bankruptcy of the eMoney companies.
But people are widely use eMoney as day to day convenience.
Please correct me if my comment is not true ne...
I agree with you what consumers need is convenient, actually that is the main reason why electronic money come into being, for example, when we take a bus or train, without Suica, we have to take coins or wait train assistant to give change.which is inconvenient and inefficient. I guess, electronic money is born to make things easier.
Just imagine the rush hour in Shinjuku station, with Suica, people only take one second to get in, otherwise, thousands and hundreds of people have to buy tickets, wait for change, large amount of train assistants are needed, it takes more time ,low efficiency and inconvenient.
However, why a supposed convenient tool gradually become inconvenient, it is interesting.
Issuer of each kind of electronic money hope
its product as the sole one, but new market entries keep emerging, each electronic money has its own specific usage,things become complicated. But I think the trend is to become unification, now, we can use Suica in vender machine, in convenient store...Actually, these so-called electronic money is just a vision of small cash card. Maybe some day, we dont even use money in terms of printed paper, I think that will be the true era of electronic money.
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