Apple revealed its new product lines for Macbook Air recently. Thinner, more powerful and more eco-friendly ones. Even though Apple says so, it still uses Intel Core 2 Duo processors, outdated compares to the i3, i5 and i7 series.
But people still want to get new Macbook Air in their hands if they have some bucks in their pockets. I am not the exception too. :)
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So even though it might not be as powerful as the other brands, it terms of processors, you would still buy it. Why are people so hung on to Apple? I guess the customer loyalty built by company is so huge, people just keep coming back to Apple or maybe there are some other reasons. So Minn, why would you buy this new Macbook?
Let's assume that I have enough money to spend for it right now. :)
Here are the reasons why I will buy it.
1. I love the brand. I feel that it is a status or symbol.
2. I have good impression that Apple did excellent recently, Apple is doing the best right now, and Apple will do better later onwards.
3. Though the new products have lower processing power, the current processing power meets my daily usage demand.
That's it.
What Apple is good at is to repackage developed technology into a product that solves problems for people - in this case people who simply want an ultra light laptop that looks slick and cool.
And again, Apple's service is one of the best in the industry - so that also warrant them to ask for a higher price also. You simply cannot compare Apple Care to Dell's support for example.
At the end of the day, it is not the company who is most "high-tech" wins, but the one who solves the problem for consumers.
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