From the e-Marketing class today, we were brain storming about DTAC is telling people to put down their phones. Actually, 4-5 years ago, DTAC did sth similar to the one I've shown you. Plz take a look!
Some useful background: Cheap voice call was very booming in Thailand 4-5 years ago, we could make a voice call unlimited by paying one fix lumsum. Now, BB and Iphone take place, we can text as much as we want by paying one fix lumsum, so people stops using voice calling.
PS: At the end, it says "use your mobile phone adequately" in other words, "don't use it too much"
I searched for the exclusive interview of DTAC to this ads, I think I found sth interesting here.
DTAC says that ...
1. They're identifying the current fundamental and social problem.
2. They're giving a clear msg and content
3. Leads to buzz, or word of mouth, or viral marketing in the online world. Then, eventually, offline world.
DTAC adds that it costs them almost nothing to do this. DTAC is not gaining any benefit in terms of sale promotion. Moreover, it may declining their cell phone use rate. "But we're showing how we're concerning social problem, showing how user friendly we're. We're standing by your side not buyer and seller side" DTAC emphasizes. This viral marketing aims not to the new customer base but it is creating a positive image to their brand, not to mention Brand Awareness and Brand Admiration.
The tv commercial "Disconnect to Connect" has been watched via youtube for some 620,000 views. Also, it has been forwarded among all social media network, twitter, facebook, hi5, and etc.
Thai people wants to share this clip to all their families and friends, althought, it contains DTAC logo on it. The content of the ads tell exact what "you" wants to tell your friends, because you did experienced exacyly the same situation in this commercial. Some comments from facebook said "This is what I really want to tell you all the time"
One of our classmate gave us some idea about next DTAC commercial will come soon to succeed another purpose. If we link this case to the "Believe in Adequacy" 4-5 years ago, his idea may be highly possible. (It created a big impact which led DTAC to become the biggest rival of AIS, the largest mobile service provider in Thailand.)
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