Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Evolution of Mobile Phones

Let's see how the mobile phones have evolved since 1985.
You'll see several models of mobile phones; from briefcase sized to the first touch screen mobile phone, iphone from Apple.
Enjoy watching!!


JUN said...

This video clip is extremely educational and instructive(for me)!
Here I learned about global mainstream evolution very well but missed Galapagos one.
According to The Six Immutable Laws of Mobile Business, when it comes to the evlution of mobile data communication, we have to discuss evolution in Japan somehow.

A said...

Wow!! It's really nice video. It's amazing that people always tend to romanticize the past but mobile phones seem to have no respect for their ancestors. Technology has advanced at breakneck speed and mobile phone technology grew fast.
The mobile phone market is up big. Therefore, to compete in such a crowded market, the mobile operators need to launch new style and feature of mobile phone all the time. That's why there are many mobile phone styles here since 1985 and their style never came back as big size as they are in the past. The mobile phone trend become smaller, thinner and lighter more and more.

Valen said...

Thanks for sharing this amazing clip. It has always been interesting how technology developed! People usually don't realize how far technology has come forward until they start thinking about it. Mobile phone became a part of people' life to bring life more convenience. As it was mentioned in class that people have their mobile phones within their arm-reached most of the time!