Monday, October 20, 2008

Web 2.0 and Viral Marketing

Everybody knows we are now in the world of Web 2.0. Wiki, Blogs, Mashups, Social Networking, Podcasting, RSS, Widgets are growing day by day. According to Forrester research on “Global Enterprise Web 2.0 Market Forecast”, enterprise will spend $4.6 billion on Web 2.0 technologies by 2013.

From the book “Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide” written by Amy Shuen, there are five-step action plan for applying Web 2.0 technologies business models: build on collective user value, activate network effects, work through social networks, dynamically syndicate competence and recombine innovations. In fact, Social networks can help us our business reaching more audience by building our community. But there are many questions we have to ask how to work through social networks.

In the book, the author gave an example of success of through viral marketing. “One extra line at the end of each Hotmail—"Get your private, free email at"

Other interesting stories are traffic generation of small number of web sites like Yahoo!, MySpace, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Digg through viral marketing.
We should not also forget about LinkedIn, Facebook and their success.

I may be writing about tech and hype but we always have to explore fundamental concepts behind these technologies and how to apply them.
Ref: “Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide” written by Amy Shuen Chapter 6 Business Incorporate Strategies

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