Saturday, October 18, 2008

Marketing plan: be a marketer or scientist?

The author, Tim Berry, discuses how to integrate your marketing analysis in to your business plan. He emphasizes that you must keep it clear and concise. The message to us here, I believe, is that in the business world there is no room for none sense work. So, get to the point and get the job done! His comment assert Pro. Sugai's claim that most executives will not read further shall they find your executive summary a dud.  

Furthermore, I believe it should be well targeted.  If you are submitting to get the loan make sure you address what the bank want to see (break-even point and how fast your can pay off the loan.)  As we learn in class, numbers don't lie! I think, marketing analysis report is just another product. We need to actually apply marketing concept to sell our hard work report. This means that we need to know our audience, know how to present the main benefit of our report,  and be adaptive. The ultimate goal is to get our ideas executed. To do so, it should be first attract executive eyes.

So, what do you think about "marketing analysis report". Should we see it as normal business report or we better look at it as a "Product"?

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