Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Marketing Now Drives Cyber Monday

Traditionally the day after thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day in the U.S. In the recent years, online retailers have sales on the Monday after Thanksgiving holiday, known as "Cyber Monday". In the article written by W&L Business Professor Robert Ballenger, Cyber Monday is created by improved internet connections and marketing strategy by companies.

For more please see article below:

Let's play game to save the world!!

Jane is the Director of Games Research & Development at the Institute for the Future in Palo Alto, California.

She has created and deployed games and missions in more than 30 countries on six continents. She specializes in games that help gamers enjoy their real lives more -- and games that challenge players to tackle real-world problems, through planetary-scale collaboration.

From the VDO, she mentioned sth great about the gamers that they are happier working hard and willing to work hard than relax or facing the real world. She wanted to bring those achieve a lot in the online world to be also applicable for the real world. If this becomes true, the guy who today you're saying he's wasting his time on stupid game, he will save the world!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Future trend - our voice

I think the future trend of eMarketing would be about voice recognition, now we still need to use our hands to touch the keyboard and type the words to search for related products or services online; I believe voice can replace hands in doing these kinds of online thing in the near future, or maybe some of the countries are already using it now.

TUBAKI CM of Shiseido 

Hello everybody! Do you know TUBAKI CM of Shiseido? This CM is very famous CM in Japan. Because of this CM use a lot of very famous actress and very famous song of SMAP that Japanese,everybody know. As a result, this CM was very famous, and they could expand sales of TUBAKI. Please show this CM.

How about do you feel? This CM is very forcousing Japanese women, and Japanese women wanted to become like actress. Would you like to become a beutiful woman?

Dr.Patrick Dixon said about future trend of social media marketing '' Zeitgeist''

Personalization will definitely shape the core value proposition

Panasonic is seriously placing great importance on personalization.
The lifewall is an good example.
People will dance with wall in the future.
This wall would learn lot about its masters by accumulating preferences and would propose preferences to its master.
Imagine a wall(a sort of TV)in your house would recommend you what to watch,to exercise,to cook then eat and drink,to wear,to buy,or whatever else.
I believe it would be the great opportunity for we e-marketers to exploit customers' data generated in their houses(if accessible), for better,further and deeper suggestions with our customers all the time.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

How Privacy is Dead

Harvard Business School Case Studies
9-910-036 (Feb,2010)

Google Inc.
Google's mission is to organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful.

In the above mentioned case study of Google Inc. on page No.7, headlilne is Pressure on the Core Business or Complaints.

Subtitle complaint by user.

Users: Google collected users' full search histories, including all details of user' searches and, in many instances, the search results that users clicked. This search and browsing histor was sensitive--potentially revealing all manner of user interests. Speaking for Google, CEO Schmidt adressed Privacy in an interview with CNBC:" if you have something that you dont want anyone to know, may be you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. But if you really need that kind of privacy, the reality is that Ssearch Engines, including Google, do retain this information for some time. And... we're all subject, in the U.S., to the Patriot Act, and it is possible that information could be made available to the authorities. Google stated that it retained full search logs for 18 months, and took steps to anonymize logs after that.
Some Google advertisements linked to sites that attempted to defraud users-for example, promising "free" ringtones that actually carried a charged. In 2008 litigation, a victim of such overcharges attempted to hold Google responsible for her losses, but Google successfully defended the case, arguing that Google was not responsible for ads that came from independent advertisers; and Google continued running the ads even after user complaints.

Vint Cerf - 2020 Shaping Ideas

Dear eMarketers,
These 2020 Shaping Ideas may support your future trend for eMarketing going forward.
Please click and enjoy......

Michael Dell - 2020 Shaping Ideas

Dear eMarketers,
These 2020 Shaping Ideas may support your future trend for eMarketing going forward.
Please click and enjoy......

Friday, November 26, 2010

Virtual showroom

This showroom is where all the avatars are real people. From the sales representatives to the customers walking in.I wonder if the development has been discontinued as I had visited this site more than 18 months ago when it was in beta but even now its still in beta.

Danger of Using Mobile Phone while driving

Police can calculate exactly time, location, distance a driver use mobile when driving. How can they do this? In Japan, driver’s license integrated a RFID chip that police can track driver. How speed they drive? They have a driver’s license or not?

The future of clothes shopping?

Put your picture and input some parameters, you can buy beautiful clothes for yourself.
Please go to this website to enjoy your hobby: http://www.imvu.com/signup/index/

Want to talk to a human?

.... I sure do!

Here is the site that will help you directly access a real live human being instead of a cold heartless machine.

Type the company name and follow the instructions on how to get a human!

10 ways to enchant customers

Taken from Guy Kawasaki's blog

10 ways that small businesses can enchant their customers.

1. Put likable, competent and passionate people on the front line. I prefer to interact with employees who smile, know what they’re talking about, and love what they sell. However, companies often put the lowest-paid, least-experienced employees behind the counter or at the front desk and hope for the best. This doesn’t make sense. Ask yourself this question: Is the first impression of my business a good one? Because if it’s a bad one, it may also be the last one.

2. Show me that you trust me. If you don’t trust me, I’m not going to trust you. Look at the small businesses that became huge: Zappos tells me that it trusts me because it pays shipping in both directions. Nordstrom takes my word for it if I say merchandise was defective. Amazon lets me return a Kindle book for seven days—I can read most books in seven days! If you trust me, I’ll trust you, and we can build a relationship.

3. Remove barriers to entry. Make it easy to get started with your product or service. Don’t ask people to fill out 10 fields of personal information to open an account. Don’t throw up a CAPTCHA system that requires fluency in Sanskrit. Don’t require an appointment for a consultation. Instead, create a slippery slope that enables people to start doing business with you quickly.

4. Make it easy to give you money. Once people decide to adopt your product or service, make it easy for them to give you their money, attention or eyeballs. This requires accepting multiple methods of payment, adopting easy-to-use shopping carts, and reasonable shipping and handling charges. If there’s anything worse than a company that tries to get my money with a crappy product, it’s a company that makes it hard to give it my money for a great one.

5. Go deep in a segment. The Stanley Market in Hong Kong contains dozens of shops, and many of them sell a range of t-shirts, souvenirs, toys, luggage, electronics and cameras. You get the sense that these stores sell anything to make a buck. The only place that I bought something there was Tam’s Art Gallery because it sells only “chops” (a stamp or seal made from stone). Since there’s only one thing to buy at Tam’s, it’s easier to believe that this store really understands its business. My advice is that you focus on one thing whether it’s selling t-shirts (Threadless), toys (CheekyMonkey), luggage (Edwards Luggage), electronics (Fry’s), cameras (Keeble & Shuchat) or yogurt (Miyo Yogurt).

6. Sell something that’s DICEE. This acronym defines the five qualities of great products and services: deep, intelligent, complete, empowering,and elegant. A DICEE product or service is a full-featured one (deep) that shows you understand my needs (intelligent), comes with support (complete), makes me better (empowering), and is easy to use (elegant). As you create your offerings, ask yourself if they are deep, intelligent, complete, empowering and elegant.

7. Enable hands-on trial. Assume that your customers are smart and let them decide for themselves instead of bludgeoning them into a sale. Give them the ability to try your product or service with hands-on areas or demo versions. This concept works whether you’re buying a car, sampling a dessert, trying a camera, or buying a power tool. Once you’ve got me try something, half the battle is over, and if you tell me that I have to buy something to try it, you’ve lost me.

7. Communicate with salient points. How many people truly understand what a gigabyte of storage means? A much better way to communicate the capability and capacity of your products and services is with salient points. For example, the number of songs a device can store is more illuminating than the number of gigabytes of storage capacity. You may find this harder to believe, but telling me how much weight I’ll gain by eating your food would make me eat at your restaurant more often because this salient point shows that you care about my health.

8. Deliver bad news early. Shiitake happens: products have problems, deliveries are delayed, and employees get sick. Many businesses try to minimize the effect of bad news, but when the inevitable issue arise, be proactive and tell them about the problem before they discover the hiccup for themselves. And to get on top of your game, let them know how you’ll solve the problem at the same time that you’re letting them know it exists.

9. Consider all the influencers. There is a difference between the person who pays for something and the person who makes the decision to buy something. Many companies assume it’s the same person, but that’s not necessarily the case. Key influencers can include a spouse, sibling, colleague, parent, grandparent or child. Who is the true head of a household isn’t so clear these days, so appeal to all the influencers. In my case, it’s my daughter, by the way.

10. The single most powerful way to enchant me is a “yes” attitude, and this attitude encompasses all 10 points. It means that you believe that the customer is right and reasonable until proven wrong and unreasonable. Custom order? No problem. Early delivery? No problem. Return for full credit? No problem.

The math might show that if you did this for everyone, you’d go broke, but not everyone will ask for such treatment. In fact, very few will, and those that do will become your greatest evangelists, so they’re worth the exception.

social media: a love hate relationship

I stumbled on this interesting website


and it has many videos and article about current social media life. The posts is actually about how lame social media is and pointed pout several negative sides. But the interesting part is how this websites gets people attention using...non other than SOCIAL MEDIAS! it uses facebook, twitter, youtube, blogs etc. As a sample, i will show one video where this guy listed 25 things he hates about facebook, and interesting enough he received response from facebook management itself and even invited him to their headquarter and make a short video about it. He was also invited to several talkshow include "Trya Banks Show" and several others.

and this is the video response

hi everybody, I was looking for some information in the web regarding Molson Canada. There are lot of information in the internet regarding our today's case assignment. Here I wanna share a video clip which can help you:

Other phones hate iPhone

I kinda agree with that. What do you think?

Real Value Proposition offer at the right time (IBM)

IBM CowBoys


Facebook, Not what you think

Recently came across this video on youtube, revealing some interesting facts about Facebook's practice and background. Granted not all of these accusations are completely true, but it is definitely worth to note the implications that exist, which may cause users to think twice about what they post.

Smart and funny!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Do you know?

When we speak of personalized marketing, we think immediately think of google and amazon. But what do you know facebook adapt this strategy as well? Although it seems that we cannot customized the layout of our news feed, the ads appeared along side the interface did not appear randomly. They pop up based on the information we enter on the info page. For instance if you change your current location to Japan, then all the ads pop up will therefore be written in Japanese! Believe it or not!

Facetime...bringing the world even closer

I like this ads in term of using the feature of Facetime on iPhone4 to touch on customer's feeling by bringing the world even closer by calling one another by the video calls, which adds value of product to customers.

co-creaion online - IE9

I have a great example of co-creation I want to share with everyone.

A few months ago the programmers of Microsoft IE9 turned to the Internet to get feedback and help develop and debug their new software.

They posted the program on a message board on the popular community board/news aggregation website www.Reddit.com. The IE team asked everyone to try it out and give feedback and ask questions. Since the discussion was on a 3rd party site and out of the control of the IE9 team, it was interesting to see the honest and often scathing feedback. They said some nasty stuff and pointed our numerous problems.

In the end the IE team was thankful. It helped them improve their product, showed that they cared about their users, and made free publicity for IE9 as well as for Reddit, and now they are able to offer a better product as a result. A win, win, win... win(?) situation that would not have been possible without the community of Reddit users online.

Here is a link to the results:

Do you want to buy this LG mobile phone if it is available?

See this touch-screen mobile phone advertisement from LG, you might want to buy it.


Web 2.0 Summit 2010: Mark Zuckerberg, "A Conversation with Mark Zuckerb...

This video is very long (1 hour) but I think it's interesting if you have the time.  If you don't have a lot of time, check out minutes 7-14:30 and minutes 39-42.

At the Web 2.0 Summit, Zuckerberg answered questions on the future of social media and Facebook, competition, and mistakes he made.

Comments that I found interesting, especially in light of our class last Friday, was when Zuckerberg was talking about the value of Facebook, privacy issues, and mistakes he made.  He said if you build a product that people really love, then you can make a lot of mistakes.  Arrogant or true?

This got me wondering whether Facebook's mistakes were naive and unthoughtful or whether they simply happened because the company moved fast, took big risks, and tried to push the envelope to find out where the boundaries lie in this new online social networking paradigm.

What do you think?

Packet "farming"

This was just in the WSJ today. And you thought I was over-sensitive to privacy issues....

Hilarious Commercial

Many advertising is very funny, but most of them we can remember only the theme of the story, but not the name of the product. This is one of them.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Great commercial by Porsche.

Commercial shows passion for Porsche can start at a young age.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Great Newspaper CM

Everyone would like to obtain latest information in anywhere.
Indeed, nobody can use PC, mobile phone, and i-pad in some places;however, they can read the newspaper very carefully in sauna.

This CM was created by EXPRESSEN.
Check it!!

Nintendo commercial

Hi everybody! Do you know Nintendo that is vary famous game company in Japan? Nintendo always think about expanding game market, and they continue to create new market of game such as Wii and DS. This CM explain that children can not wait for new sale of game, so, finally, they changed Super Mario that is very famous character of Nintendo.

Do you like the game? Would you like to play game of Nintendo?

Social Media and Utell / Pegasus Solutions COO Interview - HD

Researchers have developed an add-on to a mobile phone that can take detailed images and analise them to diagnose such as tuberculosis, malaria and so on.

Monday, November 22, 2010

SMM by Panasonic

Social media(Facebook)-based customer communications activities, so-called social media marketing activities, are launched within Panasonic Group.

This is an example of LUMIX(DSC).

So far it has been quite successful to provide its Value Proposition.
Every "friend" posts his or her photos and comments nicely,creatively, and friendly.

I try to examine whether or not there would be potential risks and dangers to turn out to be a terrible mess like MOLSON CANADA.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Facebook top ranked applications transmitted personal IDs

Do you like playing online games? especially for those on facebook?
If you are the fans of those online game, maybe it's time for you to think about it before start playing.

According to Wall Street Journal:
the social media network admitted that certain apps--including some from its top 10 most popular apps, such as Farmville and Texas HoldEm--had been transmitting user IDs to advertising and Internet-tracking companies.

More details can be found below:

Friday, November 19, 2010

Android, WinPho7, iPhone4... What Grills Faster?

You may have found several video clips comparing the functions, speed, designs or other attributes of Android, WinPpho7, and iPhone4. This video clip is totally different!!! It compares which mobile phone will burn the fastest? Can you believe this?

This is actually a marketing campaign of ez grill, a company selling portable, recyclable outdoor disposable grilling products in USA. This creates a big hit in youtube with over 1 millions views!!

Google PPC or Pay Per Click - Google Click Help Knowing Your Metrics

Google Pay Per Click

How Starbucks know their customer want?

If you want to know how Starbucks serve their customer..
please check this video..amazing..!!

Ari rangkuti

Is physical location important to mobile marketing?

Before I look into the Tsuyata case, I thought physical location is longer important as users can access information through internet to shop around anywhere. However, when I think deeply, user location is becoming more important as mobile marketing advances. Why?

Personally, if i'm equipped with a location-based mobile phone, I would be most likely looking for something nearby, rather than wanting to purchase something online from that small screen. And I think this is the reason why Iphone 4 tried to capture users' location by pre-installing a GPS system.

Do you agree?


About recommerder system and personalization marketing

I found an reserch paper titled in "Mining customer product ratings for personalized marketing", by Kwok-Wai Cheung, James T. Kwok, Martin H. Law, Kwok-Ching Tsui, the paper studied two ming methologies
and their effectiveness.

Igonoring some content far too detailed talked in the paper,  I still enjoy sth interesting about data mining and personalized markering by a brief reading.

Dose anyone else have sth interesing on data mining?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Technology, advanture and fun

How you incorporate technology and curiosity in one advertisement?

Honda Accord made an attractive advertisement to show its advanced technology and at the same time customers can enjoy fun.

See it and have fun as well.

"myFaves" Campaign from T-Mobile

T-Mobile, the 4th largest wireless carrier in the U.S. lauched the "MyFaves" campaign a few years back, which allows you to talk to any five people (the "Fave Five") of your choice for as much as you want at a flat rate.

The campaign was based on the research finding that most customers call the same five numbers 65% of the time, thus tapping into the fundamental value proposition of mobile phones---getting in touch with people whom you are close to whenever and wherever. It also shows that the mobile business in U.S. at the time was more focused on voice calls rather than data, a quite different picture as compared to Japan.

An interesting part of the campaign was that it featured a series of TV commercials starring the NBA young superstar Dwayne Wade and NBA legend Charles Barkley, with Wade trying very hard to get into Barkley's “Fave Five”.

I selected a few funny ones from the series to show you here, please enjoy.

In this last video, Wade finally got into Barkley's "Fave Five", but as it turns out, this may NOT be what he wanted after all......

Kamen Rider's Gadget

I saw a picture from Prof.Sugai ppt. 2003 Kamen Rider used "cell phone" to henshin (transform), notices that most of recent Kamen Riders used gadget to henshin. I list some Heisei Kamen Riders here along with the gadget they used to henshin. May be we can see how trends delevoped in Japan.

2003 555: Cell phone
2004 Blade: Card (casino card)
2007 Den-O: Smart Card (for train)
2009 Decade: Card (game card)
2010 W: USB Flashdrive
2011 OOO: Coin/Medal (for vending machine)

Especially, the current airing Kamen Rider series tend to use a lot of popular gadget, including iPhone and iPad. May be this is not just for advertising a product...

TOYOTA_CM of child manager

Dear everybody

Do you know child manager? His name is Seishirou Kato. He is very famous actor, nine years old and child manager of Toyota. I feel that this CM is impact. We do not think that child do not become manager. Do you feel this CM?

He is very cute boy and popular, so this CM continues by ten series. Finally, He said, "It is necessary to change." We have to change. How about you?

"Triple Check" Change Customer Value


"Triple Check" Change Customer valus

After we finish Air France Case Study, I think, we more understand about travel industries especially air travel. This industry is high return and high risk. A lot of famous branded air travel were bankrupt, for example Concorde and resent case is JAL. Similar with JAL, in 1999 Garuda Indonesia faced bankrupt. However, now Garuda generate high profit and very agressive in market. Garuda uses e-marketing to improve their business, Garuda send email to potential customer and touch the essential value of customer,"safe..safe.safe" This is the example which customer feel safe.

"Triple Check" Change Customer Values

BlackBerry® Make People Can't Sleep

Distinctive Design

Value = It’s Personal

Distinctive design may be catch customer value.

[Mikiko Fujii, Customer]:
"One million yen... for me, it's not affordable. But for someone who loves fancy designs or consider cell phone as an accessory, one million yen is not nonsense."

Did You Say Beautiful Pilipinas?

Less than 24-hours after going online, the Philippines' brand new tourism website was immediately put down. "Pilipinas" is the local word for the Philippines, while "Filipinas" is used to describe Filipino women. The new website's address was supposed to be www.beautifulpilipinas.com. But apparently, there is an existing porn site, www.beautifulfilipinas.com and it was using the same keyword "beautifulpilipinas".

Personally, I don't like the sound of BeautifulPilipinas for a tourism website. It's just not catchy for me. But more than that, it's unbelievable that no one even bothered to check the search keywords and similar sounding URLs before publishing the new website. Good thing that this was supposed to be a "preview" and not a full launch. However, damage has already been done. The incident has caused a stir in social networking sites such as facebook and twitter.

Aside from the URL mishap, there were a lot of complaints on the usability and overall look of the website. See here.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Facebook messaging tool


Facebook is betting that email will be a thing of the past.  This new tool which is currently available by invitation only will provide users @facebook.com addresses.  Users will be able to connect email, text messages and chats through one point.

This is the Jack in the Box commercial that ran during the Super Bowl 43 showing Jack Box getting hit by a bus.

The website shown at the end of commercial leads to Jack in the box's main website.

This seemingly meaningless commercial has almost 300,000 views on youtube!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What happens when a 6-year-old and a 12-year-old get in a fight?

Something is happening...
Facebook will start own e-mail service.Google is adding social-networking function.
According to some news resources, last week, Google made waves in tech circles by saying it would no longer allow Facebook to grab information about Google users’ contacts in Gmail.Facebook continues to block Google from gaining the same access to Facebook contacts data with users’ permission.
By the way, after I saw this clip video, I could no longer feel boosting Facebook is a good site for viral marketing... Demerit. might surpass merits.

Impressive GATSBY CM

Mandom corp. is the No.1 player in Japan’s cosmetic markets for men, such as facial cleansing foam and hair dressing. Its leading brand is GATSBY. Below TV CM drew Japanese young generation who want to become handsome guys. The main actor is Mr. Kimura Takuya, the most famous actor in Japan. Check it!!

You may become the center of attraction by GATSBY!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Social Media Sobriety Test

Helping people control their social media.  http://socialmediasobrietytest.com/

Maybe mobile phones could offer a similar type of service.  Breathalyzer applications are already available to help people know if they can drive or not.  But what if your breathalyzer app could also lock-down certain phone numbers in your phone if you were over the limit.  That way, you couldn't drunk dial your Ex after one too many. 

The Evolution of Mobile Phones

Let's see how the mobile phones have evolved since 1985.
You'll see several models of mobile phones; from briefcase sized to the first touch screen mobile phone, iphone from Apple.
Enjoy watching!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Balloon party

This is definitely viral marketing.

Learn English

Very famous commercial, I have seen it about 5 years ago and just found on YouTube.
Not for showing in the class! :)

Google AdWords Success Story: Happy Hound

word of mouth strategy

We have talked about word of mouth in last classes, online discussion group and forums are one of the main channels to achieve the word of mouth effect. My friend who worked for Watson's (a pharmacy store)told me, one of her main job duties is go to different online discussion groups and forums every day, write good comments about some of the products that is exclusively sold in their shops.
So, it is the real life case that companies ususally used for their marketing strategy.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is short for search engine optimization, the process of increasing the amount of visitors to a Web site by ranking high in the search results of a search engine. The higher a Web site ranks in the results of a search, the greater the chance that that site will be visited by a user. It is common practice for Internet users to not click through pages and pages of search results, so where a site ranks in a search is essential for directing more traffic toward the site.SEO helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine.


The Future of Personalization

In the future, it will be very simple to match correct type of products to correct type of customers. You will always get what you prefer, clothes you wanna wear, food you wanna eat, nutrition your body needs.

I've heard about one company having a personalization in nutrition supplement, you give them your DNA. And you'll get everyday consuming BEST FOR YOU only supplement, the company will forcast what disease you're likely to face for the rest of your life and give nutrition to prevent that happening. (I forget the name of company, if anyone knows please share)

B2B Customer Acquisition at Fuji Xerox (China) Limited

I would like to share a few things from my personal experience with Fuji Xerox (China) Limited during last summer as an intern. Because my task was to create a strategic plan for expanding its office solution business line (an integration of software and hardware products, as well as services to help customers deal with documents more efficiently). I had to consider many ways to acquire customers under a B2B environment. Although obviously the proposed methods would all be conducted offline, I feel that the things I had to consider share some common characteristics with an online business.

1. Enterprise Deals. This is conducted through Fuji Xerox Global Service (FXGS) division. Because many of our customers are global companies, FXGS means that if they choose to expand into China, we will provide them the same standard of equipment and service in their home market, such as Japan. Since office solution has much more widespread application in Japan and U.S. than in China, most of these customers will make similar requests after coming to China. Although this method worked quite effectively in the past, and generated a decent amount of revenue as the customers expanded their branches in China, it really limited the scope of FX's business, since it can only cater to multinational corporations and unable to tap into the growing domestic market.

2. Reseller Agreement. FX sells its office equipment through direct sales foce in the big cities in China, where as for the more remote cities, it utilizes resellers or dealers. This model is quite unique in the industry, and has worked well in the past. However, from a office solution point of view, it is not the most ideal model. Because providing customers with a complete office solution is a high value adding activity, it usually requires the extensive system analysis by highly trained personnels. In the big metro cities where a direct sales force, supported by system analysts, could provide customers with such a value. However, resellers lack the capabilities to deliver similar value. As a result, the geographic scop of FX's solution business was seriously limited.

3. Strategic Partnership. This is one proposal I made in my final plan to solve the problem, and the target of such partnership would be with System Integrators (SI). The basic collaboration model would be that the SI will consider FX as the designated document/printing system provider. The office solution system we provide will then be integrated into any corporate IT infrastracture that the SI is responsible for. On the other hand, whenever we sold an office solution system to a customer, which usually will require some system integration work, we will refer the customer to our partner SI.

Product Collaboration in Video Games

As we discussed in last class, there many B2B acquisition strategy in marketing today. I found an interesting strategy in recent video games.

Konami, a game maker company, is turning the release of Metal Gear Solid 4 into a huge event, with so many collaborative marketing schemes. In the game, like other war game, the main character is faced by wide range selection of artillery. The only difference is, they are also faced with many backup gadgets to support them. This is where the collaboration comes in. variance of products from Regain energy drink, Triumph motorcycle, Uniqlo T-shirts, Sonny-Ericsson cell phone, all the way until iPod are ready to help the main character with his mission. If He is tired from all the combats, they will be option to drink energy drink, or if he needs to change his T-shirts, the gadget windows will provide him with selection of Uniqlo T-shirts.


Breakaway with ipad and verizon

Verizon Wireless has just released a new commercial featuring its WiFi card and ipad.

In video, we see a young male using the iPad indoors. Then his house breaks up into pieces and flies off. The video ends with the guy using ipad on a picturesque seaside cliff, showcasing the ability to use it in combination in any places.

Very simple and easy to understand commercial.

Do you see any values with both products together?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Effective internet marketing

Hello, classmate. I fond an article about "effective internet marketing", it provides general guideline for conducting effective marketing online.

For example:
1. Good Keyword Research
2. Employing Web 2.0 (Social Networking)
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Site Promotion
4. Selling Your Own Product Or Affiliate Product
5. Internet Marketing To Get More Traffic
6. Always: Be Of Service And Help Your Customer First

I fond the article is worth reading, for detail information, please follow link below:


A new value proposition on TV game by Sony and Capcom

Don't you think only guys are attracted to video games? To broaden its customer base, Capcom incorporated a lot of new features to cater female video game players in its most famous portable game - Monster Hunter Portable! New features includes not only pet characters but also cute customs. Before the game is released, on youtube, the promotion video had already attracted 2 million views. More importantly, it is believed that over 10% viewers are first-time female players!

Groupon Battle in Manila

A friend of mine passed me this link. It talks about "Groupon" sites entering Manila cyberspace. Here's an excerpt and link of the blog:

2010 is an exciting Groupon year for Manila! Groupon is a shortcut for "Group Coupons", which are typically wholesale bargain deals offered online, leveraging the power of social media.

These "Groupon clone" sites would typically negotiate a deal with a lifestyle product or service partner (minimum of 50% but as high as 90% off). Usually, there is a minimum number for the deal to be "ON" and the deal is for a limited time, typically one day to a week. The sites earn by getting a profit sharing with the supplier, depending on the amount of the deal.

Starting August, we saw Groupon sites launched one after another, which makes online bargain hunting more exciting!

[Doritos] Live Flavor: How many flavors does this ads provide???

In order to receive attention by the audiences, all companies need to make their ads very catchy and attractive.
This TV ads has caught my attention when I first saw it over the internet. It doesn't last too long but it provides all flavors of their product (snacks) in very creative way. This ads has been viewed on youtube.com as may as 1,601,896 views.

B2B Aquisition - How does the big guys do it?

During the last lecture, we talked about customer aquisition in the context of B2B firms with an example of MUZE and NCR. In software industry, the role of VAR is a extraordinary important as brands rare go direct to customer - so they rely on "partners" to do the work - and probably nobody does it better than Microsoft in the B2B arena.

What Microsoft do in its VAR program is to sign up software consulting companies, so they help to promote Microsoft's Enterprise software product, and in return they offer them some goodies such as:

1. Promoting customers using Microsoft Enterprise Products to go to the Partners for services (such as this example)

2. Offered access to Microsoft's software FOR FREE - which include all kinds of Windows, Office and tons more.

In return these consulting companies (or the "Microsoft Certified Partners") will recommend Microsoft Enterprise Software products to their clients.

While other big software firms does similar thing, but Microsoft is probably the best one who gain the most popularity.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Viral Marketing : Catchy Ad in Japan

It was very popular Add among Japanese once.
This Add contributed to the sales of a perspiration deodorant, Ag plus.
SHISEIDO lunched this product in Oct. 2000, and it has been ten-year-run product. In general, if you can sell 100 million product in this market, it is called hit product. However, they were able to sell it 540 million for the first year. This was amazingly hit product.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The very famous CM of Softbank

Do you know softbank CM that everybody know in Japan? This is very famous CM. Because of Dog is father, in other word, father of human family and teacher is dog. I feel that this gives very huge impact for consumer. Therefore, consumer check Softbank, as a result, Softbank continue to increase sales. I feel that importance of CM is very nice impact!!!

ソフトバンク・ホワイト学割 (30秒) 吠えちゃった編

Welding Social Network with the Browser... Is it Blue ocean in the inter-connected world?

While we all are talking about how to leverage the inter-connecting internet and its social network services, one of the start-ups is now developing a browser software based on a concept of joining the social networks along with the browser....

Have a look.
Rock Melt

It is interesting to see the response from the browser rivals.

Nintendo Wii fantastic CM

As you know, Nintendo Wii can change how to play the video game. One of the interesting characteristics is that its wireless contoroller can be vibrated with player's action.
Please check below CM regarding Nintendo Wii wireless contoroller!!

This CM said that just "What is this? This is a new contoroller!!". He is a famouse comedian in Japan. If you want to know him more, please ask me!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Its Value is Exciting Games or Beautiful Audience?

This is a FC Tokyo football team's commercial.
I wonder its most significant value proposition is exciting games or beautiful audience.

By the way, I and my son really enjoy "Subservient-Chicken".


It is indeed an American chicken.
It plays baseball or American foodball very well but its understanding about Judo is completely wrong.

Our favorite commands are

Chicken Sandwich
Go vegan

Please check'em.

10 Minute Mail

Have you ever heard of "10 Minute Mail" before?
For me, the answer is no. Thanks to Shibin who mentioned this in the previous class. I've just found a new way to sign-up for a site without giving my real e-mail. With 10 Minute Mail, I can avoid getting spams in my inbox.

Below is the link for the 10 Minute Mail website, where you can learn more about it, and may be, try having your own 10 Minute Mail!!


Saturday, November 6, 2010

From Moe's to the AMAs

Just saw this video and remembered the Moe's video we saw in class earlier today. Enjoy!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Steve Jobs Presentation

The 80/20 Rule In Marketing

Do you believe this theory?

80 percent of what you accomplished at work comes from 20 percent of the time you spent working.

・20percent of your clothes will be worn 80 percent of the time.

Richard Koch (born 1950) is a former management consultant, entrepreneur, advices to marketers: When you discover which 20 percent of your customers are responsible for 80 percent of your sales, focus your energies in keeping these customers happy and increase your business transactions with them.

By applying the 80/20 rule, you can reduce your marketing budget because you can pay less attention to the 80 percent who motivate 20 percent of your profits.

I kind of understand what he is saying in the examples; however, do you believe this theory?
Do really 20 percent of “Royal customers” bring 80 percent of the company’s profits?



what are the motivation for internet users

The Internet is become the “new normal” way of life for us. When we are online and looking for news and information mostly seek recommendations from friends or use search engine. This is how we make new form of marketing communication commonly referred to as viral marketing.

Viral marketing typically starts with the marketer creating some form of electronic content such as a video or a mini-site of which is usually brand-building. After viewing the viral marketing ad we deciding whether we want to pass it to our friends or not. But what are the motivation for us doing it?

Usage for viral marketing is increasing but the factors critical to viral marketing
effectiveness remain largely unknown. May be that's why 85% of viral marketing is failing.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How Viral Marketing is used by Nokia HK

To promote its new phone X6, Nokia collaborated with local indie artists "24Herbs" to produce a video on web using a Nokia X6 and yelling "24Herbs" new song's name 'Hu Ge'. The video became popular amongst youngsters soon and received 2,000 views in one day. Although the video was launched after the promotion period for Nokia X6 has ended, it drew attention and created a viral effect which sustained the sales of X6.

Eepy Bird

Eepy Bird first hit the scene after crafting the popular "Diet Coke + Mentos" viral video a few years ago.

The video was a huge hit online, and spawned a whole following of similar videos made by fans. They truely captured the imagination of viewers while at the same time helping to promote Coke and Mentos. They play with the products and definitely do more then what they were intended for.

Here is another one that plugs Office Max and ABC, and more. Can you catch all the product placements?

Viral Marketing From Indonesia

Provider from Indonesia..use viral marketing

please enjoy it..

Short information :
Telkomsel is the bigger provider in Indonesia.

Ari Rangkuti

Do you know HEAT TECH?

Everybody, do you know HEAT THCH of UNIQLO? It is the very famous hot-selling product because of it took customer's needs by marketing. for instance, there are seven functions such as generation of heat, heat insulation, anti-bacterium, stretch, dryness, static electricity prevention and shape maintenance, therefore, It has sold over 100 million so far. In addition, rival manufacturer continua to develop such as HEAT THCH. DO you want to wear HEAT THCH?


Thai Life Insurance Ads

In Thailand, one the the most touching TVCs are produce by Thai Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
as most of its ads are focused on life in the way people may tend to overlook (disease, sickness, disabilitiesm death, loose the love's one, etc.). However, these ads have been well-recogized
and received good awareness by the audiences.
The VDO below is one of the examples;

Interactive ad-campaign

This ad campaign touches new heights of creativity and technology. The idea is to keep the viewers engaged personally for as long as he/she is interested.

Watch and enjoy!

P.S. Don't forget to click on one of the options presented during the last few seconds of the video.

B2C E-commerce VS Viral Marketing

B2C (Business to Customer)E-Commerce occurs when business sells its services or products to customers via internet such as online selling,online banking, online auctions, online advertisement.

"Amazon" is the famous B2C E-commerce that sells products (esp. books)online to customers.
Moreover, I think that the viral marketing is one of the example of B2C E-Commerce that many businesses lauching their advertising online according to persuade consumers to buy their products.

This below video is the viral marketing strategy that business using in adverstise its product(cheese)to customers via internet. Enjoy watching!!

10 Businesses You Can Start From Your Smartphone

You're out of work, you have no money, you have no computer or laptop. How to earn money? If you have a smart phone, you can make your business. Here is 10 businesses you can start from your smart phone

1. Car Service 2. Travel/Tour Guide 3. Writer 4. Videographer 5. Mystery Shopper

6. Auction Maven 7. Life Coach 8. Virtual Assistant 9. Tech Support

10. 'Personal' Phone Service Operator

To read more, please click to the link below:


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Google Image Labeler


Has anyone played Google's Image Labeler?  I spent some time playing it today.  It's pretty fun, although I'm not sure why I think it's fun.  Maybe it's just a good way to procrastinate.

In case you're unfamiliar, Google Image Labeler will pair you with another person on the web and will show both you and your partner a series of images over a 2 minute time period.  You have to type any words that come to mind that you associate with the images.  If you and your partner match words, then you get points.  The more detailed your match, the more points you get.

Google Images uses the data from this game to improve their search results when people search for images.  Does Google use this data in other ways?

Sell Super Premium Koshihikari Rice to Wealthy Chinese

I'm afraid in a personal matter, but I'd like to listen to your advice.

My wife works for a Muikamachi-based small mail-order house.
This company sells super premium Uonuma Koshihikari and some high-quality organic vegetables to Japanese wealthy and Japanase premium restaurants as of now. However, long stagnant economy makes their business stuck in severe slump. In order to expand their busines, they decided to find a way out for Chinese market and to sell premium rice to Chinese wealthy through website. My wife is one of the members who are in charge of this project but feels difficult to promote. Now they started to examine to use ADWORDS of Baidu,the biggest Chinese search engine.(Google withdrew from China!!)

What do you think are the problems that Chinese wealthies want to solve, and the value of products or services that could satisfy their needs?
If you have any ideas, please advice me.
Thank you so much!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Toyota CM

Toyota had very great reputation regarding quality; therefore, it could creat below TV CM based on its reputation.

Can you believe Toyota car's quality now? I think that Toyota needs to emphasize its sophisticated quality improvement plan through advertisements for the general public. In recent years, Toyota has released very innovative cars like " Prius"; however, many people hope to drive " Zero defect" cars.

Auditing Website and Ad Impressions

There was a question during last week's class on how and who will be responsible for auditing website on their advertising impressions and so on...

Actually there are associations around the Internet that offer this service. These association are typically consist of groups of people who set the guidelines for these advertising companies on how advertising should be conducted on the Internet, similar to the association to doctors and lawyers who set rules for their profession.

An example is IAB (http://www.iab.net/) who certifies advertising companies to make sure they are compliant in their practices in regards to online advertising.

For instance, IAB offers a very clear guideline to their participating members on how to measure advertising impression online, and there are much more including online TV among others.