Monday, December 1, 2008

Location Based Social Networking

I think it would be very interesting once this takes off. Imagine, you are supposed to meet your friend but you are in a new place. Traditionally you would just agree on a well known landmark. But face it, even then you will be searching high and low (your friend could be on the west side of the landmark while you are on the east end) while exchaging "I'm here, where are you"s on the phone.

Now imagine, flip out your phone, connect to Loopt (one of the LB Social Networking software for iPhone) and look for the little moving purple dot/arrow (that has yet to reach the aforementioned landmark at the aforementioned time) that represents your friend on a virtual map. Handy right?

Read more about the features of Loopt and other softwares by clicking here

I'm sure it opens to alot of doors as well - both good and bad. Tracking your children for safety to stalking your object of desire.

What do you guys think?


Othman, Mohd Muneer said...

It is really cool.. Interesting.. but I just concern about privacy. Look at traditional Social Networking website already made me worry on how they collect our personal information thus our behavior can be studied for operators purpose. They might share this information with others.. whhuuuussss.. let me think again :) :)

Yac00b said...

As long as these companies don`t misuse the information they collect we have no issues. Truth be told even if they did misuse, we can`t do much. Wisdom of the masses has a problem called short term memory loss i.e. sooner or later they will forget and will continue using the service. Dont trust me?? (Just Google for privacy policy breaching companies and you will be surprised to find some really big names! including Facebook; which none of our classmates have stopped using even after the scary lecture on Privacy by Prof. Sugai!)

Saruul said...

Yes, I agree with you Muneer. Privacy, privacy and privacy. I don't want to be tracked by anyone. Well, it can be a good business, if I develop track blocking solution. ;)