Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Future of Internet Search ?

No points for guessing the right answer to the above question because if you have taken the eMarketing class and you still couldn`t guess the answer... there is something seriously wrong with your cognitive skills or you were probably sleeping in class. And for those of you have got it right ... Yes Mobile it is !

As I was googling for some information for our eMarketing Final project (by d way, Minna-san Gambatte Kudasai for your presentation) I came across this interesting link about Mobile Encyclopedia. This is still a concept and the link above explains the idea briefly, for more pics check out PetitInvention.

Just imagine if we could integrate this into our mobile phone ! My guess is... Google is already working towards achieving this in their next version of G1 phone (ok fine G2 phone )

This idea is pretty similar to what Prof Sugai mentioned in class. Remember the e.g. of wearing `nerdy` goggles and just by looking at Urasa mountains, you will get all the info about Urasa mountains on ur screen. When you look at Ann (it gives you all the info about her) and so on...

Anyways I have to get back to doing my slides now...


Othman, Mohd Muneer said...

the idea of mobile encyclopedia is a great idea on how put thing in to mobile..

anyway the encyclopedia for mobile device is already in the net. it is the where it is a wikipedia's mobile version... the content is similar but only the design a bit simple.probably to fit mobile device

but it is not to the extend can scan who is "that person" or what information on that mountain.. perhaps in future when we have rfid chip implant then it can be reality


Saruul said...

Cool, but scary. Uuh, Yacoob don't get close to me, especially with your mobile phone. :)
Yes, the technology is far ahead of our imagination. The most serious issue we are facing is our OWN PRIVACY. Who will protect us? We? Apparently, we can not protect ourselves. Then who? I am still thinking, but can not find an answer.

Yac00b said...

Muneer - I didnt know about the for the link !

Saruul - HEHeh.. Actly I dont have a mobile phone, so dont be scared. The answer to your Q is very complex and long... for starters we could stop giving a lot of personal information online (which is very difficult these days and will become impossible in the future)