Friday, November 28, 2008

Social networking as the future trend of e-marketing

Social networking as we know is analyse social relationships in terms of nodes and ties. In the world of e-marketing, new business models are frequently introduced, and new trends have started to emerge. One such latest trend is social networking websites, many of which have attracted not only large number of users and visitors, but also online advertising companies to place their ads on the sites.Like facebook, myspace, they are not only let ppl to talk on it, they also comes with ads. I think most of us have facebook, did u guys ever clicked the ads on the facebook? do you think it is more useful for company to ads here not the searching engine?
here is another person's idea about the social networking, and the graph he (she) show us, is to prove more and more ppl like to put ads on social networking websites.


ryota said...
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ryota said...

thank you for interesting idea and data. the market share of social networks already exceeded search engines more than 2 years ago! Then, who are the social networks users?

According to forrester research, they tend to be young, use MySpace, want to engage with their favorite brands, and be a viral leaders.

As we studied by bankinter's case, we marketers(?) should specify who are the target customers. If our profiling of potential customers meets that tendency, social networking marketing could be a great tool.

Othman, Mohd Muneer said...

dear ma xin

it is great that Social networking service has generate relationship plus more ads on their website.

Supposed person play games in facebook they frequent has an option to get more "points" by clicking to these ads. even more "points" awarded if user made purchased from these ads.. wooowwww... great co-marketing between SN and merchandiser..

for me I always click at the ads.. If I am not interested to the products later I cancel.. but they already got my click thru.. others may be purchased

:) :)